'D Mac you sly devil' Ally remarked jokingly. 'I thought we agreed we'd let them figure it out on their own?'

'You said we'd let them figure it out' she corrected. 'I agreed to no such thing'

'So why is Camila looking for Lauren, do you think she's going to tell her?' Normani questioned. 

'I guess we'll just have to wait and see' Ally sighed. 

Downstairs, the cafeteria was fairly empty, just a few late stragglers or those who go back for seconds. It wasn't difficult for Camila to locate Lauren sitting at the far end of the room by the wall. She slowly wandered over, the older girl still not aware of her presence until she reached the table. 

'Hey' Camila greeted, not quite sure why she even came down to talk the girl sitting in front of her. Although any moment spent with Lauren was never a moment wasted. 

'Hey' she greeted back 'Chicken?' she offered, lifting up her plate. Camila raised her hands and shook her head. 'So what brings you down here, Dinah listening to Beyonce again?' 

'No, Normani told me you were sat down here by yourself and i thought you might want some company' she responded, flashing a friendly smile.

'I figured we'd all had enough of seeing each other, the amount of time we've been spending together this week?' she joked. 

'I could never get tired of spending time you' Camila blurted, releasing a quick nervous laugh and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

The hell, Karla, where did that come from... seriously! Why didn't you just proclaim your love for her right then and there. 

'Oh really?' Lauren laughed at Camila's apparent slip up. The younger girl looked up at her wanting to wipe the smug look off of her face.  

'Yeah, although i have no idea why when you're such a pain in the ass' she retaliated, trying to regain some ground. 

'So first i have a nice ass, now i'm a pain in the ass?' she quipped. 'I wish you'd make up your mind'. 

'Says you, or do we have to talk about our conversation in the bathroom' Camila reminded her. Lauren's mind wandered off as she appreciated the dark haired beauty in front of her, watching as they slipped back into their little flirtationship, she definitely enjoyed this side of the Cuban girl. Finished with her food she placed her hands on the table. Camila noticed Lauren staring and placed her elbow on the table so she could lean on her palm.

'Earth to Lauren, see something else that takes your interest?' Lauren laughed at her statement, scratching her forehead.

'Nope sorry, everything i'm interested in i can't see right now' she smirked, Camilas jaw dropped as she blushed profusely. 

'Should i be offended that waist up, i'm not good enough for you?' Camila countered.

'I didn't say that, it just hasn't come up in conversation. Besides - good enough for me?, something you'd care to share?' she questioned, smirk and all refusing to disappear any time soon. Enjoying making the girl in front of her flustered, she thought Camila was overwhelmingly adorable when she was nervous. At least she thought she was nervous, little did she know it was more daring than anything else. Camila moved her other hand slowly towards Lauren's that was outstretched on the table, not looking up at the older girl as the tip of her finger grazed it softly. She played with her fingers mindlessly as if it were completely normal. Lauren watched the girl curiously but didn't speak as she didn't want to tear the girl away from the task at hand. 

There are so many things i appreciate about Camila, just having her in my life is definitely one of those things. I could name thousands of things i loved about her physically, emotionally, characteristically and then some until i went blue in the face. If i wrote them down, no one pen contained enough ink, no sheet of paper big enough. She is incredible and every word synonymous to it. Everything is easier with her, she makes me happy and lightens my mood just by standing in the room. I would be a fool to let someone like her go, i know how lucky i am and don't plan to mess it up anytime soon. But... i want more... It's selfish i know but i can't stop thinking about it. I've pushed it back so much, i never really gave myself time to understand my feelings. But if i'm going to admit anything to myself right now, it's that i love Camila Cabello. I can't deny that any more than i have. 

Camila looked up from her brief destraction and quickly pulled away her hand at her realisation, thankfully she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Dinah, with Normani and Ally standing behind her. 

'Hey guys, our manager just called. He said he wanted us to get in some rehearsal time before the show on Saturday so he wants us to be at the dance studio in an hour.' she informed them.

'What about Friday?' Camila asked.

'He said so long as we don't get into any trouble, it's all ours' Ally clapped wildly bouncing up and down on the spot. 

'Are you serious!' Lauren asked disbelievingly. 

'Of course i'm serious' Ally persisted. 

'So we were thinking we should do something again' Normani suggested. 

'Yeah we should, we'll talk about it later. First let's get ready to go to the studio' The girls all nodded at Lauren's instruction and headed back to their rooms. They soon returned to the bus, all the while Lauren and Camila stole glances at one another that didn't go unnoticed by their band mates. 

Get ready for dancing with Camila 101 - Camila couldn't help but think as they drove off. 

In One Fell Swoop (A Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now