Before long, we sprinted off, the wind and smells of the trees rushing past us. I kept at his pace for a while, expertly dodging the trees and fallen branches. After reaching the more treacherous areas where the land wasn't even, I picked up speed, taking a more hilly area with less foliage that I had trekked many times before on my way to the cave.

It wasn't long before I could see the expansive lake through the pine trees, the crisp air refreshing as it blew through my fur. The sight of the lake nestled in the valley was always a breathtaking sight, the sheer feeling of peacefulness just felt like a breath of fresh air. As I approached the water, dipping my front paws in, I soaked up in the smells and sounds of the place, missing the little oasis here.

I walked around, obviously had gotten here first, watching the tree line for signs of Michael. Surely he couldn't have been that far behind. I waited, pacing around when suddenly a mass had emerged from the bushes, and before I could react, I was tackled to the ground again. Assuming it was him, I turned to look at him when a set of teeth came clamping down on the scruff of my neck. It didn't break skin, but it wasn't a play kind-of bite: it was one that meant they'd kill if I moved.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell the wolf's fur was lighter than Michael's and was on the smaller side. I gulped, wondering where the hell Michael was now and then wondering why I thought this was a brilliant idea. Trekking a rogue infested forest on our own basically? Even if most posed no problems, there were always vengeful and malicious wolves out for blood. The wolf growled lowly, not saying anything as it kept a firm grip on the back of my neck.

I could've waited for Michael, assume that he'd be nearby, and help me out. But if Michael was really that far behind, was it wise to have this rogue's teeth that close to my throat. So I feigned submission, momentarily baring my neck as far as the wolf's hold would allow, letting out a soft whine. I wasn't sure what to expect, as rogues this aggressive were always unpredictable but he loosened his grip just a tad and I saw my chance.

I kicked the leg that had pinned my shoulder out from under him, quickly shifting my head to reach for his neck as well. I kept a firm grip, not intending to inflict harm, hoping he'd realize I didn't want to fight, but he snarled and preened his head to try and grip my neck again. I growled back but he was much stronger, as he took a sharp nip of my shoulder. I loosened my grip and he was back grabbing a hold of my neck, thrashing about now. I probably looked like a ragdoll as he thrashed his head side to side before tossing me to the ground. The wounds were healing already, but he was stalking forward, obviously not through with me yet.

Without Michael to back me up, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to incapacitate him enough for me to escape. And if I did run, there was no guarantee I wouldn't lose him. So I waited for him to make the first move, hoping whatever adrenaline I had would be enough. The wolf bared his teeth at me, before charging forward. I remained low, biding my time as he got closer until I reached underneath, gripping his throat as tightly as possible. I tried not to think about the puncture wounds I was inflicting, hating the fact that I'd be causing harm, but with how intentful he was about attacking, I held on for dear life. His teeth would graze my skin every now and then as he thrashed about, but luckily he couldn't reach my throat from this angle. As he tried to buck me off, I could tell he was moving towards the tree line, and I knew that was troublesome, but I held on, digging my paws wherever it could reach to get him to stop.

And then with a sudden jerk, I had been flung into the tree trunk, successfully dislodging me from his throat with a groan. His neck was bleeding but he still looked dead set on killing me as he walked over, almost unaware of the severity of his wounds. The pain in my side made it difficult, but I managed to stand back up, bracing myself against the rough bark. I growled, hoping he'd change his mind when he charged again. I didn't have it in me to dodge or even think of attacking back, but I didn't have to.

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