Chapter 35

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Belle Fawn

The way I feel when I'm touched by him ignites such a fiery instinct inside of me that only he can tame. The way I feel when he smiles releases such butterflies into my stomach, it's hard to catch them all. The way I feel when he kisses me, it's like we're both the only souls in the world. It gives me such a comfort, such a feeling, such an ache for more.

And in those pure couple seconds when our lips touch, I fall a little harder and hurt a lot more.

"Good morning." he greeted, I returned it, running my hand through my messy hair.

I didn't have a brush with me so now it was just a mess, "Good morning." I replied.

Last night when he came into my room to kiss me like he did. It was unfair but, how could he know that? How could he know that I was completely falling for his every move? How could he know that when he kissed me slowly for that first time before my shower, that I completely fell for him more? That I was completely and utterly consumed by him and I didn't know what I was going to do to make it out of this unhurt.

"Here." he handed me a toast which I gladly took a bite of, meeting his wandering eyes on my body.

"What?" I asked, mid chew he shook his head and looked away.

"So we better get going, I'm going to stop by your house so you can change before work starts." he explained, allowing me to notice how he's already dressed.

While I stood standing in his clothes, which I absolutely loved, they were real big on me, "Right." I replied, finishing off my toast.

After I got my clothes and shoes from the room, I jogged back downstairs. Where Liam was patiently waiting, he gazed at me with that same indescribable look in his eye. Before he grabbed my hand and led me to his car, opening the door for me. When we were on our way, flashes of our slow kisses played in my mind, he's never kissed me like that before.

It's forever engraved in my head.

All the way until we finally made it, I got out and made my way up the steps inside my house. When I did, a guy was sleeping on the couch which I assumed was Derek's friend. I dismissed it and went to my room to change into my burgundy pencil skirt and black blouse. I didn't know if Liam wanted his clothes back but, I decided to keep them for now. I also applied some mascara and chapstick before brushing my hair out.

Once I was finished, I walked back downstairs and left out the door. Liam met my gaze while I was walking down the steps and those all too familiar butterflies swarmed my stomach. He opened the door for me from the inside of the car and I got in. The car started up shortly after that, my phone dinging with a sudden text.

Nathan: Hey gorgeous, we're hanging out today, I was thinking bowling?

Now Nathan, Nathan was kind and he was loving. The way he made me feel was delicate and sweet, the way he made me feel was nothing compared to how Liam did. His smile could make me smile but, Liam's could make me melt and be happy all at the same time. And even though Nathan made me giddy inside, he didn't make me yearn for him like Liam did.

I should want him but, I want Liam.

And even though Nathan and I almost kissed, it can't happen again. Liam and I might not be together like that but, he's my dominant and my loyalty lies with him. I can't kiss Nathan it wouldn't be right, I would just be leading him on. But, a part of me deep down in that moment did want to kiss him.

I stressfully shook away those feelings and tried to think of something else, my birthday. It was this weekend and I was so excited yet a little nervous. I've never drank before so I don't know how I'll act. I just wanted to have fun and let loose for once.

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