Chapter 6

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Belle Fawn

During my lunch hour he had me print off some papers. They were the flyers for the charity event that was coming up soon. I still hadn't thought about it too much. So as I stand using his printer to print these flyers it was all I could think about. Because, if I didn't think about this I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder over to him.

I will admit the whole time I definitely couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

The way his side profile made a shiver of delight run down my spine had my cheeks flushed. It urged me to look away but, seeing him run his hands through his hair tiredly had me stuck. Mostly on his hands and how big they looked, how his veins were so prominent. I even noticed he had a couple rings littered across his fingers. They only accentuated his hands more, there was a variety of black and gold ones.

When I wasn't looking at his hands I found myself memorizing the way his jawline flexed. It was an action I didn't even know could be found attractive yet it was in a way.

Suddenly in my worst luck his head turned in my direction and I stupidly looked at the printer. That was like the millionth time he's actively caught me staring. One more time and I'm sure he'd probably think I'm trying to flirt with him and not Nathan. Now that I do not want happening so I need to stop staring.

Just one more peek though.

My eyes slowly drifted up to him only to find he was still staring at me which inevitably made my face heat up. I definitely should have timed that better for my sake. The green light on the printer glowed and ultimately saved me from his gaze. It let me know the papers were done and I gladly took this as an opportunity to distract myself.

"So....Belle." his sudden voice sent my body into a rush of adrenaline.

I grabbed the paper in my hands from the printer and placed them down onto the table before slowly turning to face him.

"Your dad told me you took a class on interior design, maybe you could help decorate for the charity event." he explained smoothly once my eyes met his, his tone was gentle yet it was hard enough to get the message to me.

I knew the second he said those words that my dad told him that. Another thing about my parents was that they loved to brag about me. I've never seen the big deal about it when they didn't know me. They knew what they created not the one behind that creation. I'm sure Liam now knew everything down to my first soccer championship.

Where I so have happened to score the winning goal as a little kid. It was one of my biggest accomplishments at the time. But, it was also not somehow after the game my parents completely chewed me out. Especially my dad, he said I could have kicked better and if I didn't I would have ruined everything. My eyes were still on the ground but they met his a second later when I caught onto the other bits he had said.

Interior design is something I'd much rather be doing then actually being the one inside the building.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, almost out of breathe from just his stare and the excitement of this job actually starting to be fun.

Plus in the newly found adrenaline rush I decided to ask him, "I-Is that all my dad spilled about me?" I smiled softly releasing a breathe of air.

When I took him in, his chair was facing me now and his elbow rested on the desk while the other was on the arm chair. His hand was rubbing his chin a tiny smirk breaking out onto his lips. A look of mischief behind his hazel eyes.

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