Chapter 11

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Belle Fawn

The next day I had woke up to the sound of tons of messages. No doubt they were all coming from my parents. When I had looked at my phone I was right, missed calls and texts of messages all saying the same thing.

Mom: How could you quite your internship, do you know how hard your dad worked to get you that?

Mom: Did Gracie push you to do this? This is very unlike you.

Dad: Belle Fawn I've never been more disappointed in you in my life.

Dad: I've talked my ass off about you to get you that internship, how could you just quit?

Mom: You will be going back to work today, your lucky your father worked something out!

Dad: You are real lucky I was able to talk to Liam about your internship that you still have by the way.

My eyes were watering in frustration at how foul they were being when they didn't even know the situation. They were so selfish and I hated it sometimes. Plus the thought of having to actually go back there and see him irked me. But, I pushed myself to be grown up about this. This internship could actually help me in the future and it's just for the summer.

Another thing was no matter how harsh my parents were I didn't want them being disappointed in me like they are now. So I had to suck it up and go back, I'll just tell Liam that I'll forget what he said and did and that he should do the same. For the sake of both of us. That's what I'll do besides it was only for the summer. While I did my morning necessities I couldn't help but, think about how they found out.

I haven't even talked to my parents about yesterday and Gracie would never tell. Which only brought me to the conclusion that Liam must have told them. It only just made me all the more upset with him. All I knew was even if I got the internship back I wasn't going today, I wasn't ready to face him again so soon. Even if my parents were upset there was no way I was going in right now.

When I finished in the bathroom, I jogged downstairs and the fresh smell of pancakes drifted into my nose.

"Good morning B." Gracie greeted, quite happily once I walked in.

"Hey, what has you so happy?" I asked, taking a seat on a stool at the counter.

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you are finally going to do something you want to do not something your parents are forcing you to do." she explained while fixing up our plates.

Her claim made me feel instantly guilty at the harsh reality. The one where I'm actually going back to the internship. The one where I'm not doing what I want and where I'm following my parents lead.

"What, what's with that face?" she questioned, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

"I'm so sorry Gracie." I started with a sigh, watching as she froze, "They texted me a lot of times talking about how they were disappointed.." I tried to explain myself further but, she cut me off swiftly.

"Belle you didn't!" she shouted, dropping the utensils she was using down making a clattering sound.

"I did." I muttered, looking down at the white counter top to avoid her pointed emerald eyes, "They got the internship back for me and I'm just going to do it for myself." I finished, already feeling her irritation grow.

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