Chapter 60

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Belle Fawn

"Oh he's so cute I can't believe this is the first time I'm meeting him!"

Gracie's tone was offended but, I could tell she was just happy to be here now. Her hands were scratching Max behind the ears. His tail wagging profusely at the attention that I've learned he loves.

"And it's so sweet how Liam got him for you." she emphasized his name and I playfully rolled my eyes but, I could tell she was genuinely surprised.

Max licked her face as she laughed and Derek spoke up, "Woah no, don't let him kiss you." he grumbled which made me roll my eyes again.

"Shut up." Gracie and I both seemed to speak at the same time which made us laugh more, "At least she got a puppy from her BOYFRIEND." she grumbled, sending Derek hints.

Derek crossed his arms, "You know what I don't have to put up with this." he frowned.

Gracie got up from her spot on my bed to go sit on Derek's lap where he sat on my chair. I ignored there now intimate conversation while leaping on the bed to play with Max. He was absolutely adorable, I already had so much love for this little guy. Even more so knowing that Liam is the one who got him for me. He jumped around, nipping at my hands and pouncing.

I thought about the word Gracie used, boyfriend. It seemed weird to call Liam that when he was so much more than a simple boyfriend. He was the man that was my everything. Boyfriend wouldn't describe him, not at all. Plus the fact that we aren't even officially dating, we're together but, he never asked me. Which made me start to think, would he ever ask me?

Yesterday after Liam and I's intimate moment, I could tell how frustrated he was that he couldn't show me that he was thankful for it. Because, of the punishment he already set for me. So after he showered, we watched the vampire diaries but, he teased me all throughout it. It was so unbearable that I decided I needed to come home and insisted on bringing Max for a night. It was a Sunday and so I'd have all day to give him love.

I also need to speak with Nathan about the ball which was in about a week. I wasn't ready for that, I was going to explain the reasoning behind going with him. But, I didn't want him to feel like I was trying to hurt him or I was just using him. I cared about Nathan a lot so asking him to this ball made me nervous.

My phone suddenly began to ring on my desk interrupting my thinking and when I seen Liam's name I answered it.

"Hi." I felt myself already smiling as I scratched Max's belly while his tongue hung out of his mouth.

"Hey, what are you up to hmm?" his deep familiar tone rang in my ears.

"I'm just playing with Max, how about you?" I questioned, turning around when I heard noises.

Only to find Gracie kissing Derek, I whirled back around to face Max, "I was just going to cook dinner I wanted to know if you've eaten yet?"

I smiled, "No I haven't."

"So then I'll come pick you up so that I can cook you something to eat love." My heart couldn't handle how soft his tone was and how sweet he was being.

But, the timing was bad, "That sounds really nice except I actually have something to do and I'm not sure how long I'll be."

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