Bonds - Tenko x Reader

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First ever girl x girl!                     
Bonds - Tenko x Reader
                               Despair AU

(Y/N)'s POV
      I hated being in this stupid killing game. And I especially hated how defenseless I was. Like if someone wanted to stab me right now, they could and I wouldn't be able to put up a fight.

      That's why I decided to ask the Ultimate Aikido Master for help in aikido. I heard aikido is a form of martial arts that's self defense but doesn't hurt the attacker. Even if someone tries to kill me, I don't want to hurt them.

      "Hey Tenko?" I said. Right now, we were in the dining hall. "Huh? Oh, hi (Y/N). What's up?" Tenko turned around. "Can I talk to you somewhere more private?" I asked. I don't want everyone to know I'm asking for help from her.

      "Sure. Anything for you!" Tenko smiled. I blushed and nodded. I might've also asked for help from her because she's my crush. I can't help it! She's so strong, beautiful, kind and I also love her enthusiasm. She was nice to everyone. Well everyone except the boys. But sometimes she is nice to them. Tenko is perfect in my eyes. But I know she likes Himiko. She's always following her around and complimenting everything she does and she really, REALLY defensive of her.

      She followed me out of the dining hall and into the hall. "What did you want to talk about?" Tenko asked. "Well I was wondering if you could teach me aikido. I don't really feel safe and I'm weak." I said, looking down, ashamed to be admitting this.

      I felt Tenko's soft hand on my chin and she lifted my head up. When I looked at her, she had a sweet, soft smile.

      "Of course I'll help!" She said. "Let's go to my lab!" Tenko grabbed my hand and dragged me to her lab. I blushed. My crush was holding my hand! When we got to her lab, she said "Change into this." And she handed me some white clothes. She thankfully had a changing room in her lab.

      After I got changed, we started training. Now we had a small break to catch our breaths. Well it was mostly just me. Tenko was fine.

"Hey Tenko?"


      "When we're done training, wanna hang out?" I asked. She smiled at me and I blushed. I love her smile! "Sure." She said.

~after training~

We were walking around the school talking about random things when I had a question for Tenko. "Hey Tenko. Why do you hate boys?" I asked. I don't like males very much myself because all of the ones I've encountered are assholes and have tried to take advantage of me because I'm small and weak.

      Luckily most times, someone came in and saved me, due to my screaming. Other times, I wasn't so lucky. But I don't think every boy is like that. Most of the boys here.

"Huh? What's the use of knowing that?" She gave me a questioning look. "Well I want to know more about you. I've personally been taken advantage a few times and most of them are assholes, that's why I don't like them a lot. What about you?" I said.

"I figured it was something like that. I've seen you flinch away from big people like Kaito and Gonta." Tenko said. "Well I hate them because they think they can take advantage of girls and treat them like their property. I hate it." She growled. "Anyways, let's stop talking about this and start talking about happier things!" She smiled. I nodded.

      "Well what with you and Himiko? I noticed you've taken a liking to her." I said. As much as it pained me, I have to know how she feels about Tenko.

      "She's a good friend! Because she doesn't really put effort into things, I have to make sure she's safe from the males." Tenko smiled. "But what about now?" I asked. "I requested that Kirumi take care of her and I told her to make sure no degenerate male comes near her." Tenko happily replied.

      "Are you in love with her?" I blurted out. Tenko looked at me in surprise and she stopped walking. "Why would you think that?" She asked. "Well you're always with her and way protective of her. You always compliment her too." I said.

      I didn't hear anything. Then I felt arms wrap around me. "I'm sorry I made you think that." Tenko whispered in my ear. She pulled away and looked at me.

      "I don't love Himiko. You're the one that I love, (Y/N)." She said. I blushed. My crush just said that she loved me! The best day of my life! "I- um, I love you too." I blushed. I saw Tenko smiled really big and her eyes started tearing up. "T-Tenko! Why are you crying?!" I said, panicking. "Don't worry. I'm just really happy. This is the first time someone I loved has loved me back." She sniffed. I hugged her. "I'll always love you. No matter what." I whispered in her ear. "I'll always love you too. Nothing could ever make me hate or dislike you." She said.

871 words

I absolutely love Tenko! She's one of my favorite females in V3!

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