The Over Dramatic Dwarf

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~Sebastian's P.O.V~
Santana is now five months pregnant and she is definitely showing. But her belly showing doesn't stop her from wearing all her tight dresses. The comments have gone down about Santana being a slut, but I know that she is still broken in the inside from that. Nobody has ever told that to her face before. Anyways Santana is still insisting to put off waiting to tell the Warblers and New Directions that I'm the baby daddy. Only Blaine knows and honestly I'm starting to feel like she is almost embarrassed that I am the father. I mean I am the enemy. But I want to be apart of our child's life. I want to be there for their first words, crawls, steps, and let's be real with the mix of Santana and my voices, that baby is gonna have a heck of a voice. As of now Santana and I have just been calling he or she bunny. We really haven't come up with a name yet but we know that we want it to start with an S since well S for Sebastian and Santana.

San<3 - Morning Seb! I was thinking I know you wanted to tell everyone the big news today, but I think they need a bit more time!

Unbelievable. I start to type but then don't know what to say so I just carry on with the start of my day and head downstairs to eat breakfast.

Flash forward
I'm at Santana's house now. Her parents are gone so its just us on the couch.

Santana - "Hey did you get my text?!" she kisses me on the cheek.

Me - "Yea."

Santana - "Great then it's settled we will tell them later."

Me - "I never said that I thought is was a good idea." She looks up at me confused. "Look I understand that you are nervous to tell everyone that I'm the dad, but waiting is not going to make a difference. It might even make everything worse."

Santana - "But its my decision."

Me - "And it's also my baby! Have you ever even thought that I want everyone to know that. It kills me to not tell the Warblers that I'm the father! Just like it kills me that I can't kiss, hug, or even talk to my girlfriend in public because you are afraid of what is going to happen!"

Santana - "You are the one that suggested working on what we have in secret!"

Me - "For a WEEK!" She looks away as I stand up."I love you! I want to be with you and hold your hand and tell you that your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! But I guess you just don't love me enough to tell everyone what we have." She says nothing. "I'm going to head over to Dalton. I have to catch up on some schoolwork anyways."

I leave her house feeling sad and angry at the same time. Maybe I shouldn't have went off on her like that since she is hormonal and carrying my baby, but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I mean I get why she is scared. I haven't been the nicest guy to all her friends. But I thought Santana would be the last person to give a damn about what everyone else thinks.

Flash forward
I walk into the Mckinley High auditorium. Blaine texted me and the rest of the Warblers to come over. Something about cohosting a charity event. The rest of the Warblers are already there talking with Kurt and Blaine. The rest of the Directions are also there. Well, all except Santana. She might be in the bathroom with all that morning sickness. I walk up to the Warblers, Kurt, and Blaine.

Me - "Hey! So what's this charity thing you were talking about?"

Trent - "Is it for dogs? Or sick children?"

Jeff - "Let Sebastian do the talking Trent!" He jokes as Trent playfully hits him.

Blaine - "Actually there isn't a charity."

Rachel - "WHAT!?" Everyone stares at her. "Seriously! A charity would have just been the cherry on top for my NYADA applications."

Me - "I'm confused. First of all didn't you already send your NYADA application, and second of all why did you call us all here if there is no charity?"

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