Jackson Off

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~Santan's P.O.V~

It's been a while since I last saw Sebastian and his classic smirk. We have texted each other here and there. But it was nothing more than a simple question followed by some insults thrown back and forth. We both acted as if that hug between us never happened. It was nice. I'm not going to lie when I say that I do miss the warmth of another body whenever I'm feeling a little down.


I'm at Lima Bean with Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Brittany, and to my disappointment Artie. For the past 30 minutes, we have been talking about doing Michael Jackson for Regionals. I love Jackson, but right now, I can't help but constantly glance, and Brittany and Artie fonding all over each other right now.

Blaine - "Favorite Jackson memory. Go."

Artie - "When I was one my mom showed me the VHS tape of his Motown special, and when he did the moonwalk across the stage for the first time in history, I uttered my first words... Hot Damn"

Kurt - "I owe the King of Pop a deep debt of gratitude. He was the first one to pull off a sequenced military jacket, long before Kurt Hummel made it iconic."

Brittany - "Kurt you never told me you were in the army."

Rachel - "I have to be honest-- I never really got him."

Artie - "And we are no longer on speaking terms."

Rachel - "No, I think he is an amazing performer, but I've never really got what he was about."

Kurt - "Rachel he was best friends with Liza Minnelli and Liz Taylor."

Rachel - "No, all I'm saying is that I-I just... I haven't connected with him the way that I have with Barabra or either of the Stephens. Sondheim, Schwartz."

Me - "Guys stop attacking Rachel and let her be"

Rachel, shocked - "Thank you Santana!!!"

Me - "Yea I mean it's not her fault that her nose blocks 50% of her vision preventing her from realizing god-given talent."

Rachel rolls her eyes and tries to hide the fact that that bothered her. But unlike her I can see right pass my nose and into her agitated face.

Rachel - "Okay, but just, since you guys are so jazzed about him, I think it's a good idea."

Sebastian approaches as if he was waiting to intrude for the past ten minutes.

Sebastian - "Well, that may not be the BEST idea. Hello Blaine, Santana.... everyone else"

Kurt - "Does he live here or something? Seriously, you are always here."

Artie - "Why don't you think that's a good idea?"

Sebastian - "Because we're doing MJ for Regionals. You see, Warblers drew first position, so as soon as I heard what your plan was, I changed our set list accordingly."

Everyone looks at me.

Me - "Okay listen. I may have slushed all of you, tried to end the entire club on behalf of Sue for almost the entire first year just to become cheer captain once Quinn went all pregos, insult all of you on a daily basis, help set a piano on fire to try and get back on Sue's good-side, ditched all of you to join the Trouble-Tones, and put a couple of weird things in all of you food when you're not looking. But that is all in the past. I would never babble to Ken the doll."

Kurt - "You just told Rachel that her nose blocks half of her eye vision."

Artie - "Yea and I found a caterpillar in my food at lunch today."

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