Smooth Criminal

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~Sebastian's P.O.V~
It's been two days since the whole Blaine incident. I honestly feel really bad for everything I did. I mean I don't regret changing our set list because... well I want to win. But I do regret saying all those rude insults to Santana, who must hate me even more now, and throwing that slushy. It wasn't even meant for Blaine. It was meant for Kurt. Only to ruin his ridiculous outfit to see him have a fit. I know that with or without throwing that slushy, Blaine would never ditch Kurt for me though. He loves Kurt. And that's how its always going to be. Sometimes I just wish I can find love for once and not just a one time hook up. Anyways I'm in a practice room right now with the rest of the Warblers. We are discussing our set list a bit more. Just as I was going to tell Jeff that his idea to wear face paint is horrible Trent runs in to tell us he saw Santana drive into the parking lot. Great.

Jeff - "I think I have an idea guys. What if before she leaves we get a slushy and just throw..."

Jeff keeps speaking but I drown out his voice with my thoughts. What am I going to say to her? Sorry? Or defend myself? All I know is there is possibly no chance of her being my friend after this. Or more... okay. What is wrong with me? Before I can finish my thoughts I notice that the Warblers are all staring at me."

Me - "Yea that's a good idea"

The devil herself suddenly barges in. Wow. She looks amazing. She is wearing a skin tight mini black dress, black heels, and a black hat with her gorgeous hair curled perfectly. I realize that I'm staring with my mouth open and quickly close it to cover up that fact that I was totally checking her out.

Santana - "Hey, Andrew McCarthy. Don't know if you heard, but Blaine may lose an eye. The same Blaine who was just besties with most of you not four months ago."

Trent - "Wait, are you serious? Is he gonna be okay?"

Santana *sarcastically* - "Well, sure, if he doesn't care about seeing in three dimensions."

Me - "Trent, I got this. Bummer about Blaine, he was good. He shouldn't have gotten in the way, though. That slushy was meant for Kurt."

Santana smiles and steps up closer to me. I size her up and down trying to seem like I'm not intimidated, but really I'm just looking for an excuse to check her out again. I smirk and meet her chocolate brown eyes.

Santana - "You may look like the villain out of a cheesy '80s high school movie, but you should know that I am fully prepared to go all Danny LaRusso on your ass. Admit you put something in that slushy. What was it, huh? Glass? Asphalt?" I chuckle.

Me - "Red dye number six."

Santana - "You're a liar."

I look back to the rest of the Warblers.

Me - "She questioned my honor." I take a step closer so that I'm taller than her. Our faces are inches apart. I want to pull her in to badly, but I don't. The Warblers would never respect me after that. Or fear me. "I demand satisfaction in Warbler tradition."

Santana - "You want to have a duel?" She turns around and I take another chance to run my eyes up her body discreetly. "Cello guys, can you hang back for a second? I'm gonna need you for this one."

Me - "Everyone else clear out. I don't want you to see me make a girl cry."

Santana - "Let's just keep this on point."

The music starts and she gracefully moves to a chair, sits and crosses her legs and arms. I start singing and staring at her intensely. My hands then drift over to her shoulders and I bend down to sing right behind her left ear as my hands slide across her neck. I could feel her chills and I smirk. She then stands up and sings into one of the cello guys ears. We meet in the middle and back away slowly. The song gets more intense. I pass by her, but I am suddenly pulled by the tie to face her. I smirk and slide down to the ground and run myself up against her body. She lingers her hand on my chest but the pushes me away. I she wants this just as much as I do. We suddenly swerve in and out of the chairs. I can't help but keep my eyes on her hips as they sway. She notices and uses it to her advantage when she abruptly turns as I chase after her and pushes me a tad. We take a break and just stare into each others eyes. Both her and I suddenly realized that we are dueling and so we break away and set a distance between us as we walk in opposite directions. The music starts again and her angelic voice comes through. I can't help it anymore. I need her. I start working my way to her side but she walks in the opposite direction still determined to have that distance. I know she feels this tension. We are almost done with the song and she starts to give up. I walk up to her and sing the last lyric of the song. Our faces are now closer than ever. All I had to do was lean in a bit and kiss her. So I did. I wrapped my arms around her as my hands explored her waist. She was caught of guard at first but then grabbed on to my neck and ran her fingers into the back of my hair. It was so perfect. It felt like fireworks were exploding all around us. I could have just done this for hours. But then we hear the door knob turn and we quickly break off.

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