Chapter Thirty One.

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(*TW* there is mention of a parent passing.)

Akaashi's POV

I stayed up most of the night, worried about y/n..she wasn't answering her phone but she was reading my messages..
I even brought Kuroo into help and still she ignored...

Every time I called it went straight to voice mail, letting me know that she finally turned off her phone.

I layed there on my bed, my eyes were stinging and I felt guilty.

Should I of just stayed there last night? Not leave like she asked me to?
I should of stayed.


T.Kuroo: Any word?

Keiji.A: Nope..i think her phones off...

T.Kuroo: Yeah.. I figured she'd do that..what happened exactly?

Keiji.A: It's not my place to tell..

T.Kuroo: Bro.. I ain't giving you a choice here.

Incoming call from T.Kuroo
Accept or Decline

I took a deep breath in before answering the call.


"Its her dad.."

"What about him?"

"He was in an accident.. He's not doing well.."

"Awe.. Man.."


"You've got to be kidding me.."

"Apparently yesterday he showed up to practice and tried to talk to y/n..Bokuto stepped in.."

"I see..Her dad and her aren't really on speaking terms.."

"I know.."

"Man..shes probably in her head right now.. Not knowing how to feel.."

"That's what I'm scared of.."

"She did the same thing when she found out her mom was in the hospital.. She locked herself away in her room and wouldn't talk to anyone for a solid week.. Not even me or Kenma could get her out.."

I shook my head. "Man..what do we do?"

"Do you have practice today?"


"I'm on my way then! I'll meet you at Bokuto's okay?"


He hung up right after.

I sat up in my bed and ran my hand through my hair.

I waited for a moment before getting out of bed and getting changed.

I took a last look the in mirror.
Wow.. My eyes are dark..

Everytime I blinked I could feel my eyes sting.
I shook my head.


I grabbed my bag and started off towards Bokuto's.
It was a good thing that he only lived a few blocks away, so it made for a short walk.

Maybe I'll take a nap at Bokuto's...

When I arrived I didn't even get a chance to knock before Bokuto opened the door.

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