Chapter Eight.

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The next couple of days of school flew by fairly quickly.
You attended like normal and also went to the boys practice.
They were getting really good. Especially our libero with his receives.

It has also been a couple days since the boys talked to you.
You understood though, they had lives of their own and you didn't expect to be best friends with them.

It was Thursday and you were on your way to class.

"Oh look, it's the loner.. How pathetic." You hear Sara say behind you.

You kept walking, trying to ignore her words and her friends snickers.

Till suddenly you were pushed to the ground, your books went flying.

"When I talk to you, you answer loser!" Sara laughs as she steps over your body on the ground.

What the hell did I do to deserve this?

You looked down to pickup your books when you noticed some drops of blood on the ground in front of you, noticing how your chin was scratched up and bleeding.

Guess I fell harder than I thought..

You heard whispers of people around you, but you tried to not pay attention and continued to pick up your books.

You felt incredibly embarrassed and rushed to the nurse to get your chin looked at.
Before you arrived there, someone called your name.

"Y/n! Are you okay?"

You looked up to see Akaashi walking out of the office. (It was next to the nurse.)

You looked at him with wide eyes.
"Oh um.. Yeah I'm okay I guess.. It's not a big deal.."

"You're bleeding pretty bad..." He said motioning to your shirt.

You looked down and noticed how the blood had travelled down and started soaking your uniform.
You fought back tears.

"It-i-it was um.. Tha-t-that Sara...girl..she um.. Pushed me.. I guess I landed harder than I realized.." You started to pick at your nail beds again.
Anxious to hear what he had to say.

"That girl again? How lame..I'm sorry.. You should report it.."

You looked at him scared. "No um I don't think that's a good idea, if I were to snitch.. She'd do way worse to me.."

"But you can't just let her keep doing this..." He came closer to you.

"No I'm okay.. I'm kinda used to it...." you continued to look down, wanting all so badly for the conversation to end.

"Do you want me to go in with you?"

"Oh no that's not necessary.. I'll be okay, I'll just be a little late to class that's all.."

"I don't mind.."

"I'm really okay." You said with a bit more anger than you'd like.
"I'm sorry..just been a bad day...."

"Its okay I understand.. Come on, I'm coming with you." He says as he put his hand on your back and lead you into the nurses office, holding the door open for you as he lead you inside.

"Oh goodness! Are you okay miss?"

You looked over to Akaashi. "Yes I'm okay..I just kinda fell.."

"Again?" The nurse chuckles.

You gave her a guilty smile.

"You're so clumsy.. Come on ill patch that up for you."She says holding her hand out for you to take it.

"So it's happened before?" Akaashi whispered before you left his side.

Your face turned red out of embarrassment.

After a few minutes you were escorted out of her office, taking note that Akaashi was gone.
You couldn't help but feel sad that he wasn't there but you knew he had to be in class.

As you walked out of the nurses station with a white bandage around your chin, and a new uniform shirt on. You started to walk to your first period class.

"Y/n!" You hear from behind you.

You turn around to see Akaashi standing with the principle.

You looked at him with worry eyes. Knowing what he just did.

"I think you better come with me miss l/n.." The principle said.
"You can go to class now Mr Akaashi.. Thank you."

As you both walked passed eachother he gave you a soft smile.
You exchanged a worried glare.

You were lead into the office and took a seat in a secluded area.
The principle sat down in front of you.

You started to pick at your nails again, just wishing for this to be over.

Why would he do this to me...he knows what will happen right?

" was brought to my attention that you have been getting bullied..please do explain. And don't feel afraid to leave out names."

You looked at the principle with tears in your eyes, as they had a stern look on them.
You took a deep breath and started your story.
You started right from the beginning of first year.

After what seems like a couple hours, you were finally done talking with the principle.

"I will of course keep your name out of this, she will not know that you were the one who approached me. But I assure you, the bullying stops here. Thank you for sharing..I'm sorry about everything.."

You have the principle a fake half smile as they got up and lead you out the door.

You looked at the time and noticed that it was now lunch.

"I have excused you from all classes today miss l/n.. You may go home if you like. Tomorrow will be a better day okay? And here." They handed you a card.
"This is the time and date that I want you to see our guidance counselor. Things will get better now hun."

You gave them another smile before taking your leave out the front doors.

The first thing you did was call Kuroo. He would know how to comfort you.


"Are you crying? What happened are you okay??"

"I told the principle about Sara.. She pushed me today and I hit my chin on the ground causing it to bleed..."
You tried to choking down your tears.

"I'm sorry y/n...i wish I was there."

"me too...shes gonna come after me Kuroo.. I didn't want to tell her but Akaashi kinda made me.."

"What do you mean he made you?"

"Well he saw my chin before I went to the nurse and I told him what happened.. I guess he went and told the principle when I was getting bandaged up."

"I see..he was just looking out for you, you know?"

"I know Kuroo... I was just anxious about the whole thing.. Especially now since she will know I told on her...Kuroo I'm scared.."

"I know but you did a good thing. I'm proud of you..are you in school right now?"

"No I just left, I was excused for today.."

"Okay..well I gotta go but text me if you want, I'll call you after practice okay? Try not to think about it. I'm sure everything will be okay."

"Okay Kuroo..bye."


Will it be okay though?

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