Chapter Twenty Six.

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You woke up to the bight sun shinning in your eyes.
You squinted trying to adjust when yiu realized that Akaashi was still with you, his head was tucked behind your neck and his arm around you. Even though he was asleep, he still held you close.

You tried to turn on your back, not waking him up.
You watched as light snores escaped his mouth.
Oh how adorable he looked.

His hair was a bit messy and you couldn't help but brush it away from his sleeping face.

His hair was soft, like really made you blush.

You layed there for a bit longer before deciding to get up.

How did I get so lucky to have someone like you in my life? Since the start of highschool I've had the biggest crush on you and you didn't even know me.. All you knew was that I was the quiet girl, who was taller than most girls and wore glasses...but here we are. I'm in your arms as you sleep soundly...oh how I crave this for the rest of my life...

You pulled his arm away from you, trying so hard not to wake him.
Finally after some wiggling and slow movements, you got up.

You stretched for a minute and then walked downstairs to the kitchen.
You could smell a faint scent of coffee in the air.

Oh auntie must be awake..

You silently walked past the living room, taking note of the three boys.
Kenma was curled up in a ball on the recliner, he still had his phone tight in his hand.
Kuroo had the couch, he was snoring away as the blanket was kicked off of him completely.

You walked over to grab the blanket and you threw it back onto him.
All the while trying not to step on Bokuto, who was sprawled on the floor, mouth wide open and drool coming out the side.
You smiled to yourself as you admired all your friends.

You walked into the kitchen to meet a smiling aunt.

"Good morning darling, did you sleep well?"

"Actually yeah...i slept pretty soundly.."

"That's good hun.. Oh I made coffee, want some?"

You nodded your head with a smile.

"Oh and about your glasses, I landed you an appointment today, I thought we could make a girls day out of it."

"You don't work today?"

"Nope. I requested today off. I wanted to hang with you, if that's okay that is."

"I'm sure it's fine, I promised Bokuto that we'd play video games this Saturday but I guess since everyone came a day early and played.. I'm sure he won't mind."

She smiled at you. "They are quite adorable when they sleep though.." She chuckled to herself.

"So what did you plan on doing today?" You asked, taking the warm cup of coffee your aunt offered you.

"Well I thought that after your eye appointment, we could go shopping? Maybe hit up the art store? I know you've been craving some new art supplies.." She smirked.

"That sounds fun actually.." You smiled, as you took your first sip.
Ah yes the first sip of coffee in the morning is always the best.

"Also, since your appointment isn't till 1:30pm, you have some time to hang with your friends, I know you probably missed Kenma."

You nodded your head. "Yeah, I saw him at the training camp but we didn't really get to hang out, and when Kuroo comes down, Kenma is usually busy or something. It's nice to see him and play video games... Even though he does beat me every single time."

She laughed quietly to herself."Well I think I'm gonna make breakfast for everyone, if you'd do the honors of waking everyone up?"

You smiled and nodded.

"Oh and I was wondering..Tonight for dinner, could you invite Akaashi? I'd like to get to know the boy who stole my niece's heart" She winked.

A big smiled washed over your face. "S-Sure."

You then turned into the living room.

"Oh Kenna? When did you wake up?"

"Just now..Kuroo's snoring got loud and woke me up."

You chuckled. "I'm sorry Ken..well my aunt is making breakfast for everyone if you're hungry."

He nodded his head with a very faint smile, but it was enough to notice and make you smile.

"Guess I gotta wake up these bumbling buffoons.." You smiled.

"You should smack Kuroo with a pillow.."


"He kept me up most of the night with his snoring...he deserves it."

You shook your head while smiling. "His snoring is pretty bad huh?"

He nodded.

You looked around for a free pillow, till Kenma held one out to you.
You gladly took it.

"One.. Two... Three!"

You smacked Kuroo right on the head, causing him to wake up suddenly with a scream, which caused Bokuto to wake up and scream.
Kuroo screamed again but this time he rolled off the couch and landed right on top of Bokuto.

You were holding your stomach from laughing, the looks on their faces were priceless.

They looked up to you with worried faces as they didn't know what was going on.

You and Kenma were laughing till your were crying.

"That ended better than I expected.." Kenma said.

"Way-wayyy b-ette-better!!!" You said through breaths.

"Whats going on?" You're aunt and Akaashi had said at the same time.

Making you and Kenma laugh even harder.

Kuroo got up off of Bokuto. "Y/n sacred the crap out of me!"

"And Kuroo scared me!"

"But then you sacred me again!" Kuroo pointed at Bokuto.

You couldn't contain it anymore. You stated howling with laughter.
Kenma joining in as well.

"Ha ha ha very funny guys..." Bokuto said is the most monotone voice ever.

"You guys are idiots.." Akaashi mumbled.

You wiped the tears away with your hand.
"I'm sorry guys.. I didn't know that I'd happen this... Way!!" The memory of their faces made you start laughing again.

"Not funny y/n!" Kuroo said as he ran towards you.

You jumped and ran behind Akaashi.

He shook his head at the two of you.
"Sorry Kuroo, you can get pay back later."


"Sorry.." He smiled.

"I will get you back kid..mark my words."

"You won't." Kenma yelled.

"Wanna get? I'll take away your phone?"

Kenma rolled his eyes.

"Well on another note... Breakfast is ready you guys." Your aunt laughed at the five of you.

"Food!" Bokuto said as he jumped up off the floor.

You shook your head at the goofball.

"Good morning by the way." Akaashi said to you.

"Yes..Good morning Keiji."

Okay so I just want to say that picturing the boys I couldn't stop laughing! Oh and Thank you all for the reads and awesome comments!!! They make me smile a lot!!!!

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