Chapter Twenty Two.

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Akaashi had listened to everything you had to say. You told him everything that happened on your way to school, from the yelling, to the stolen money and the broken phone.
He wasn't impressed.

"I'm sorry y/n.."

You let out a loud sigh.

"Its okay happened.. I just hope he doesn't come back.."

"Are you gonna tell your aunt?"

"Yeah...I'll tell her after school.. It's a good thing I took that spare key..." You mumbled.

Akaashi looked at you with sorry eyes as he grabbed your hand.
You pulled away instinctively by accident.

"S-Sorry..i guess I'm still not used to that.."

He smiled. "Its okay, we don't have to if it makes you anxious."

You grabbed his hand. "N-no it's okay..i want to." You smiled.

He opened the schools door for you and you both stepped inside.

Everyone's eyes were on you and Akaashi.
Your cheeks flushed as your anxiety started to rise.. Wondering what people were thinking.

You both were on your way to class when a certain someone had crossed your path.

"Oh what do we have here? Guess he took pity on you after all?" Sara joked and her two friends beside her laughed as well.

You rolled your eyes, pulling Akaashi through the classroom door. "I'm not in the mood for you today Sara.."

"Oh she speaks!!" One of her friends said.

"Awe you know Keiji, you don't have to feel sorry for her, we all know how you really feel right?"  Sara smirked.

"Its Akaashi.." He retorted.

Sara rolled her eyes, ignoring him.
"Awe still have those broken glasses
y/n? What? Too broke to buy a new pair?"

Your face grew with anger. "Screw off Sara.."

"Oh? Getting mad are we?"

"I said screw off." You said through clenched teeth.

"Ya know what I get it! Maybe you're just afraid that if you get new glasses, you'll be able to see that you actually have no friends.."

"Sara.." Akaashi started.

"I said! SCREW OFF!!!" you turned to her filled with anger and swung your arm at her face full force.
Landing a hard shot right on her jaw.

She looked at you stunned while holding her jaw.
You could see a bruise already forming.
"I'm done with your sh*t..go bully someone else Sara, I don't know what I did to deserve you hating me so much but I'm done listening and putting up with it, you really must be of today I'm done, I don't need your negativity in my life anymore. Oh and if yiu don't stay away from me you'll regret it.. Cause next time, I'll knock you out cold."

You watched as tears swelled in her eyes.
"F**k you, you're a freak!" She yelled before storming towards the bathroom, her two friends right behind her, faces also stunned.

You turned to Akaashi holding your hand. "Man.. That kinda actually hurt.."

"Just be glad that there was no one here to see that.. You'd probably get suspended.. But.. It was funny though.."

You gave him a shy smile and started to laugh.
"Honestly.. I didn't think you had that in ya."

"Well I did warn her.. I guess I was just done..she really picked the wrong day to pick on me.."

He laughed. "I guess so."

You attended school like normal that day, feeling pretty accomplished with Sara and finally standing up for yourself.
In the back of your mind was your father though. You wondered what happened to him and why he did what he did.

When your mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, your father took it really hard, he'd go out drinking every night and he even started to pick up gambling to pay for your mom's hospital bills. It was tough on all three of you.
Unfortunately the cancer had taken over and she passed away.
That made your father snap.
He wasn't there when you needed him the most.
You guessed that the gambling didn't stop as his reaction when you asked him 'Did you gamble your apartment too?'

You're aunt had kept you updated when he was in and out of jail, since he was always trying to talk to you.

You felt bad for your father and who he had become. But that still doesn't give him an excuse.

All these thoughts, raced through your mind, making you a bit more quiet than usual. Akaashi didn't question it as he understood that you needed time to think.

School was finally over and you and Akaashi were walking to the gym for practice, hand in hand.

When you guys entered, the whole room went silent as they noticed you guys together.

Your face flushed and you looked away from everyone, taking your hand away from his and sitting down on the bench, ready to take your notes.

"Hey hey hey! I see you two finally got together." Bokuto teased as we walked up to you.

"Y-Yeah.." You smiled.

"I'm happy for you guys. Ya know, you really bring out the best in Akaashi, he's been smiling more and talking more than usual."

Your eyes darted over to the raven haired boy, who was talking with the team.
You smiled to yourself.

"In all honesty.. I didn't think I stood a chance before.."

Bokuto laughed and patted your head. "You're really lucky to have him y/n! But hey! If you hurt him, I'll never forgive you."

You smiled to the goofball. "I won't, I promise."

He smiled back. "Alright! Now that I did my part, watch me spike okay?!!"

You chuckled. "Okay Bokuto."

He gave you a wink before running off to the boys. Leaving you with a wide smile and appreciation for him.

Akaashi is really lucky to have a friend like you Bokuto...

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