Chapter Four.

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"You what! That's so cool y/n! I never thought in a thousand years you'd become their manager." Kuroo says as you rested your head on his shoulder.

A few days had passed and it was finally the weekend.

"Yeah.. Akaashi asked me during first period..apparently it was Bokuto's idea though.."

"That's still really cool! And hey now you'll be able to get closer with Akaashi eh?" He says, nudging your side.

Your face heated up and you buried your head in Kuroo's neck.
"Stoppp...hes not the reason I joined!"
You whined.

"Mmhmm whatever you say y/n." He teases.

"I didn't miss you at all." you say pulling away from him.

"Yeah that's a lie!" He jokes as he pulled you back over to him. Smiling ear to ear.

"No.. Actually I really did miss you.. And Kenma too...I miss having friends.."

"I know..I'm sorry I don't come visit more often but hey! Now that I have a car I can come drive whenever you need me!"

You smiled. "Yeah, congrats on getting your license by the way!"

"Thanks, it only took me a few tries... Hey wanna go get ice cream?"

You laughed. "That's a stupid question."


After you guys pulled up to the ice cream shop, you noticed a familiar Grey and black haired boy. As well as his best friend beside him.

Your eyes grow wide.

"Oh God they're here! Hide me please!"
You say hiding behind Kuroos back.

He was finally taller than you. You stood just over shoulder length next to him, but it was times like this when you wish you were shorter.

"You mean Bokuto and... Oh I see.."

"I'm not dressed well! I'm literally in sweats right now!"

"Whats wrong with sweats?" He laughs.

"It's not very flattering Kuroo! I look like a mess! I knew I should of put on jeans or something..."

Your face was red hot.

"Look, you look fine y/n. I'm sure you in sweats is the last thing on Akaashi's mind." He laughs again.

"This isn't funny Kuroo! And keep your voice down! He might hear you!"

"Aha oh you're gonna hate me so much in a second." He says as he turns around and pulls your arm so you're not behind him anymore.

"Aye! Bokuto!" He yells.

"I will never forgive you for this." you look at him angered.

"You'll thank me later." He smirks.

"Hey hey hey!!! Akaashi! It's Kuroo! Oh and y/n too!" Bokuto says, pulling on Akaashi's jacket.

Your face glowed red as they started to walk towards you guys.

"Nope, I will never forgive you... I hate you." I whispered.

"You love me." He teases.
"Hey Bokuto! How's things?"

"Good! Hey what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit y/n for the weekend." He says giving you a pat on the back.

You kept your eyes down on the floor.

"Oh cool! What are you guys doing tomorrow? We should all hangout!" He says excitedly.

Falling For You (AkaashiXReader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ