“There you are, I have been waiting for you,” The demoness smiled at her. 

“I don’t understand? I have never seen you before?” she turned her head curiously. 

“I have been here every day waiting on you to hear me, You didn’t hear me before now because you didn’t want to,” The demoness’ hand lifted and she used her pointer finger to beckon her to step closer. 

“Where am I?” She asked as she stepped closer to the spider lady.

“This is your Hell,” She said as she waved her arm in front of her, “Prime Hell real estate you have here,” The demoness purred. 

“So I’m dead?” She thought hard trying to remember anything from before she came to Hell. She couldn’t remember anything before she woke up on the hard ground in Hell, but she knew of death. 

“If you could call what you were alive, nevermind that.” 

Emely didn’t feel fear of this demoness. She felt at peace, she stepped closer to the figure, “Who are you?”

“Just a demon looking to make a deal,” she said, “Do you want to leave this place, do you want another shot at life, right some wrongs?” The demoness asked her words laced with a hint of arousal. 

“At what cost?” Emely asked interest had been piqued.

“Kill the wicked in my name so that I can devour their souls and gain power, it’s all that I ask.”

“So I make this deal with you, does that mean that you own me?” Emely asked, confused.

“No!” The demoness growled. The air around them seemed to get hotter.  Emely flinched with fear, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. No, I would not own you, you would simply work for me.” her tone softened.

“And if I die again?” She asked, wanting to know the full extent of what she was getting herself into. 

“We will cross that bridge later, so what do you say, get out of Hell free card? Or do you continue, this?” She gestured around her.

Emely thought about it for a few fleeting moments, it didn’t take her long to make a choice.  Anything would be better than the endless, emptiness she was living now. 

“Yes, I will work for you.”

The demon smiled a wicked grin, “I knew that you would make a wise choice.”

“So how does this work? Will I be born again?” Emely asked as she looked to the road behind her. The wind picked up blowing through her hair. 

“Well, no you won’t be born again, I will teach you some magic, first, then when I find a suitable body for your soul, you will be brought back to life.”

“What type of magic?” 

“Just some small spells to cover your identity, we can’t have the dead coming back to life after all. Just think of the panic it will cause.” The Demoness grinned, “If you’re ready to leave the lonely road, and join my ranks follow me.”

The Demoness spoke a few words then a shimmering blue light appeared, seaming to rip a hole in space itself. The young Tiefling tried to look through it, all she could see was a swirling mass of energy. She put her hand inside, it felt warm, comforting. She braced herself for the worse, her jaw clenched, her muscles tight, she stepped inside. Heat wrapped around her, her body felt weak, she had to force her legs to move. Only a few moments had passed but to her it felt much longer. 

As they emerged on the other side of the portal, into a short hall.  The passage was dimly lit by four candelabras two hung on each side of the hall. The floor was cool beneath her feet. The walls were dark, they resembled the night sky. 

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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