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Chapter Two

Emely would awaken on the ground, the sky above her head grey, the clouds so thick light couldn’t get through. She stood from the ground. She should have been cold from sleeping out in the elements, but she found herself not hot or cold. She could see a dirt road about fifty feet off.  She took a step for the road. 

The ground was hard beneath her feet. She walked for hours, watching the sky, nothing had changed. She found a bush with some berries, she pulled two from the bush and shoved them in her mouth. Bland, flavorless, coated her tongue. She hung her head. She turned back to the road and walked. She was searching for something, but she didn’t know what she was searching for. As the sky turned from grey to black, she found a spot off the road to sleep. 

The blinding light would awaken her.  She opened her eyes. She didn’t know where she was or how she got there. She stood from the ground surprised that she didn’t hurt from sleeping on the hard ground.  She could see a dirt road fifty feet away. She walked toward the road. She would walk with the thick grey clouds above her head. The hard ground beneath her feet. She would stop at the berry bush, and eat two. 

The greyscaled world, the food, and drink no flavor. She could not feel hot or cold, sad or happy, pain or pleasure. She could feel fear, and terror, and the loneliness of this place.  This was her Hell. She would walk an endless road, though she didn’t know what she was searching for. She would continue this existence, for a hundred years. Every time the sun would rise she would restart her walk. The same road, the same path every time. 

She couldn’t keep track of how long she had been in this place. She didn’t know what she was searching for, but she had a feeling deep in her gut that it was important that she found what she was looking for. Some days she would swear that she could hear the sounds of an infant crying. She would wonder for the entire day trying to trace the sound down. Only to have the sound change direction once she got too close, or she would reach her total exhaustion where she just couldn’t keep moving. She would promise that she was only going to sit down for a few minutes then she would find the baby.  She would only wake up at the start of the new day, back in the same spot that she started every day.

Other days she would awaken with the fear that something or someone was after her, and if they found her they would hurt her. She would spend those days running and hiding behind anything she could. She would run until her legs gave up on her and she would faceplant in the dirt. She would wake up the next day to face the world again. She often wished of a sign or a way out. 

Some days she would wake to hear the sounds of someone screaming in pain.  Her heart would sink as she would try her damnedest to find the person in need. She would drive herself mad looking around and walking in circles. Only to be brought to her slumber when the sky would turn dark. 

There were the days of complete nothingness and those bothered her more than the days where she ran herself ragged.  She had nothing to occupy the long day, and she would grow so lonesome on the road that she would almost pray for some relief from her suffering, but why should she pray to a God that had never been there for her. This was her day in and day out struggle. 

As the day broke in its grey wonder, she could feel that the energy was off.    The sky seemed brighter, less gray, and more of a purple hue. There was warm energy in the air, like the feeling before a thunderstorm. The wind blew gently. 

She started her walk and she heard a whisper, “Come to me.” 

She saw a shadow off the side of the road. She felt that was odd as she had never seen anything other than herself here.  Nothing cast a shadow in this place. Not even when she was standing directly in the light did she have a shadow. She felt compelled to walk toward the voice. As she got closer to the shadow she felt warmth, one that she had never experienced. She looked up at the figure hiding in the shadow.  There stood a female spider-like demoness, her skin wasn't a color that she had ever seen before. Her hair hung in loose curls around her shoulders. She had a familiar fire in her pale eyes, but even as She searched for the memory in her mind she found that she couldn’t place her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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