7 - paranoia

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Yuri woke up with a massive headache in her bedroom. She had cried herself to sleep that night, after everything that happened the day before..

"Ugh what time is it..?" Yuri said, as she checked her phone for the time.

Yuri's eyes widened when she saw the time. She quickly got up and changed and brushed her messy hair. She ran downstairs and found her grandma drinking some tea.

"Grandma! Why didn't you wake me up?" Yuri said, as she saw her grandmother just sip on her tea.

"I could've sworn yesterday was Friday.."

"Ah.. It's okay grandma"

She seems to get more forgetful everyday.. should I be worried?

"Well, I'm off to school the " Yuri said reaching the door.

"Wait Yuri." Her grandmother said getting up.

She gently did Yuri's hair and put it in a ponytail, just like she used to as a kid.

"This suits you better." She said with a smile.

"Thanks grandma." Yuri said, kissing her grandma on the forehead.

"I love you pumpkin, no matter what happens, stay safe and take care of yourself." she said kissing Yuri's hand.

"I love you too." Yuri said smiling.

With that being said, Yuri left happily with a blueberry muffin her grandmother gave her. She kept passing the same park that she's been doing since forever.

"Why do my feet keep carrying me back to this place.." Yuri thought, taking a bite from her muffin.

Yuri felt a tear roll down her face gently.

Yuri hadn't noticed it at first but she was crying, even without actually feeling that sad.

"What-?" Yuri said, wiping the tear off her face with confusion.

I can't stop thinking about my shitty past. The memories still taunt me everyday and it's exhausting.

One I arrived to the school the halls were empty so I could wipe my tears away.

"Everything is fine. Everything is fine, everything is fine.." Yuri kept on thinking over and over again.

She anxious entered her classroom.

"Everything will be.."

Yuri stepped inside and saw Huening Kai sitting at a desk with his head on his hand just staring off to the distance.

Yuri pretend to not have seen him and sat down near him.

"How have I not noticed him being in my class before?" Yuri thought really confused.

Throughout the lesson Yuri felt like she was being watched, for her every move.

"I'm just being paranoid because I lost my suicide note.." Yuri told herself.

Finally class ended and Yuri left right away.. She went up to the school's roof top and sat down, looking at the trees sway as the wind hit them.

Yuri smiled and felt a lot better, but water still fell down her eyes.

"Why can't I just be in peace.." Yuri thought as her tears hit the ground.

She suddenly felt her feet taking her to the ledge unknowingly as the wind pushed her hair. She looked down at floor and she imagined it getting closer and closer.

Yuri held her head and shook it.

"If I were to jump, they will know who wrote that note-" Yuri thought as she stepped off the ledge.

If only I never wrote that stupid suicide note. Nobody would suspect someone in the school wanted to die. If I wasn't an idiot for putting my combination code nobody would suspect it was me..

I want to go home..

Yuri ringed her grandmother.

No answer.

She tried again but there was still no answer.

"Maybe she's asleep, I shouldn't wake her up.."

Yuri sighed and went to her next class.


It was finally time for Yuri's science class. The class were she must've lost her suicide note in.

Yuri immediately got the chills as soon as she walked into the classroom..

Yuri gulped, it felt like her heart was in her throat. She sat down being cautious of getting anyone's attention. Yuri looked around and tried to see if there was a paper folded up on the ground somewhere. She could feel her palms form cold sweat.

She didn't see anything that looked familiar to her suicide note..

"I must've not dropped it here.." Yuri thought, "Or worse.. someone has already found it.."

Yuri began to rip pieces of paper out of her notebook and began doing origami, forming pieces of paper into paper hearts. It oddly made her feel calm.. It was a coping mechanism that her therapist taught instead of self harm.

"Lee Yuri, what are you doing back there?" Mr. Lim asked.

Yuri's heart sank and she didn't know what to say. She didn't want the whole class to know she was having anxiety so she had to distract herself from it.

Mr. Lim walked over to Yuri's desk and saw a bunch of paper hearts all over on her desk. Other students including Kai looked at her desk in awe. The paper hearts looked as if it were a pinterest picture.

"Yuri go to the office please." Mr. Lim said, messaging someone.

Yuri's stomach turned.

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