38 - rollercoaster

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The bell rang finally for the end of the day as Yuri stretched at her desk as she sighed exhausted as she looked out the classroom's window to see a plane flying by and fluffy clouds across the bright blue sky.

Yuri rubs her eyes annoyed as she perks her head up remembering about Kai.

"Hello Huening Kai, are you here for extra homework?" the teacher teased Kai as he walked into the classroom.

"Uh no- I'm here for-"

"Huening Kai-!" Yuri said as she rushed up to Kai and throwing her arms around him.

"Let's go" Yuri smiled as she took his hand pulling him out of the classroom.

"Oh- uh bye-!" Kai said leaving the classroom.

"Pfft, teenagers" the teacher scoffed.

"What's the rush?" Kai asked as Yuri and him walked out of the school's main gate.

"I heard that there's a carnival not too far from school" Yuri smiled, "and I wanted to go with you as a treat for us making it this far with exams"

"Oh- a carnival..?" Kai asked, "like the place with rollercoasters and stuff-"

"Yeah, well there can be rollercoasters, I just want to go so I can be with you" she smiled looking over at him.

Kai smiled nervously as he nodded. His hand started getting sweaty thinking about all the rollercoasters as they walked their way there. He didn't want to admit it, but he hates rollercoasters.

The two arrived as Yuri looked around excited.

"Maybe I can avoid the rollercoasters.." Kai thought.

"Oh Kai look at that ride-!" Yuri said as she tugged on his sleeve pointing at a tall rollercoaster with a big drop as he heard people screaming.

"Yeah- we should come back to it later-" Kai smiled nervously, "how about we go to small games instead-!"

"Great idea" Yuri said as they held hands walking through the carnival.

And just as Kai planned, the two spent most of the day doing small carnival games and winning prizes. Kai won a plushie for Yuri as Yuri did the same and gave the plushie to Kai as he got more excited over it than Yuri as she laughed.

The two went to a photo booth together as they did silly poses with sunglasses and hats and put silly filters over them as they laughed loudly in the booth as other couples looked at them weirdly as the two looked back at each other and laughed harder.

"You look so dumb in this photo" Yuri laughed as they sat on a bench together as they ate ice cream.

"What do you mean I look good" Kai said pointing at a photo of him that made him look like a penguin.

"Well, this one's my favorite" Yuri said as she looked down at a photo of them kissing and completing each other's hearts.

"I can't believe you gave me an otaku heart at first" Yuri scrunched her nose as Kai laughed at the photo of him giving Yuri a thumbs up instead of completing her heart.

"Sorry-" He giggled, "I didn't know you wanted to do that pose"

"Whatever at least you noticed after the last three times" Yuri pouted.

"I'm sorry Yuri~" Kai said hugging Yuri and moving her back and forth.

"Heh it's all right," Yuri smiled "you should make it up to me by going on some rides with me"

"What-?!" Kai blurted out as he sat up straight.

"I mean- of course" Kai said anxiously.

"Are you sure?" Yuri asked, "you didn't sound too excited when I said that"

"No no no-" Kai said "let's just go"

Kai suddenly found himself in line for the tall rollercoaster they saw earlier as Kai could hear the screams of people who were on the ride. Kai looked around anxiously as he suddenly held Yuri's hand tightly as she looked over at him.

"Kai, are you-"

"Next people in line" the person controlling the ride said.

Kai got on the ride silently as Yuri sat next to him as she looked at him concerned.

The ride hissed as they began to go up the tall rails as Kai's heart began to race the higher they got.

"Yuri I have a confession to make-" Kai suddenly said as he clutched onto her hand.

"What is it?" Yuri said looking over at him.

"I'm terrified of rollercoasters-" he admitted, "I've been trying to avoid them all day"

"Huh-?! why didn't you say anything before?" Yuri asked as the rollercoaster reached the top.

"it's because I love YOUU-" Kai suddenly shouted as the rollercoaster dropped and sped around.

Kai sat still as there was screams surrounding them as Yuri held his hand tight and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too" she said in his ear as his ears turned red.

Kai's lips slowly turned into a small smile as he remembered he was on the ride again and started screaming like a dolphin.

Kai shut his eyes as he felt the wind crashing against his face as he continued holding Yuri's hand.

The ride finally ended as it hissed to a halt and everyone got off the ride.

"That wasn't so bad was it-?" Yuri asked as she looked over at Kai's reaction.

"I think I blanked out the entire time" Kai said with a straight face, his hair all messy.

The two finally got off the ride as the two were heading to the carnival's exit.

"Kai why didn't you tell me before?" Yuri asked looking up at him.

"Cause I didn't want to disappoint you" he sighed, "plus you looked super happy when you told me about the carnival.."

"You didn't have to go on the ride though.." Yuri pouted patting his head.

"I know- but I did it for you" Kai said finally looking over at her as he smiled.

Yuri's face began to rush as she shook her head and smiled.

"How about we go to the playground next time?" Yuri said holding onto his hand.

"I think I'd prefer that much better" He smiled looking exhausted as Yuri laughed.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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