29 - bittersweet

40 3 0

It had been a week since my grandma died.. and I haven't been to school since. 

Kai visits me and shows me the pictures he's been taking at photography class and I smile at how much he's improved. 

The only thing that has brought me comfort this past week is putting up one of Kai's new photographs up on my wall everyday he brings me a new one. 

There's days I feel terrible and days I feel numb. 

I can't really get out of bed or do anything.. all I do is talk to friends and sleep. 

Sometimes I don't even have the energy to talk. 

It's like my lips are glued to each other. 

I jolted in my bed suddenly.

I sighed turning off my alarm. 

It was finally the day of the funeral. 

Despite turning off the ringing continued. I got irritated realizing it was Chaeryoung calling me. 

"Hello?" Yuri said with a slight raspy voice. 

"Open the door, I'm outside" Chaeryoung said as Yuri got up and looked out her window. 

There was Chaeryoung as she smiled and waved. 

Yuri immediately grew dizzy as she wobbled trying to stay up, it felt like gravity was trying to push her to the floor. 

It had been a while since Yuri got out of bed. 

Yuri let Chaeryoung in as she saw her in all black. 

"Why are you here this early?" Yuri asked rubbing her eyes. 

"Well, you can't go to the funeral like that" Chaeryoung said placing some stuff down hugging Yuri. 

Yuri froze by the sudden hug, as Chaeryoung pulled away, Yuri's eyes were overflowing with tears like turning the faucet on in your bathtub. 

Yuri hugged Chaeryoung as she began to cry in her arms. 

Yuri felt weight being lifted up off her shoulders. 

"I think I just needed a good cry," Yuri said wiping her face with her sleeve. 

Chaeryoung glanced down at Yuri's legs, they had cuts all over them. 

"Does Kai know?" She frowned. 

"No.." Yuri said not feeling as much remorse she thought she should have. 

"Don't worry, the dress I got you will cover it" She said. 

"Get in the shower, I'll make you something to eat" Chaeryoung said as she walked off to the kitchen as Yuri sighed. 

Yuri stood in the shower as she couldn't tell if it was tears or water streaming down her face. 

The black dress that Chaeryoung brought for her mocked Yuri as she stood there staring at it on its hanger. 

After a while she finally changed into the dress as Chaeryoung did her makeup and hair in the living room. 

"You look pretty Yuri," Yuri suddenly heard as she turned. 

It was Kai standing at her doorway wearing a suit. 

Despite the terrible occasion Yuri smiled a bit. 

"Thank you Kai" Yuri said as Chaeryoung turned off the iron curler. 

"Let's go" Kai said reaching his hand out to her as Yuri stood up and took it. 

They were now at the funeral as Yuri noticed a bunch of relatives who she hadn't seen in years. 

𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 [ 휴닝카이 ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant