15 - oragami

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"Do you want to skip class with me tomorrow?"

Huening Kai stood in the halls as everyone made their was to class.

"Where is she..?" He thought.

"Kai!" He heard from behind him as he turned to see Yuri waving at him.

She walked over to him as he smiled.

"Why are you such in a good mood?" She asked.

"Nothing- it's just that you called me by name" He said.

(he's so precious huhuhu)

"Oh- can I call you by your name-?" Yuri asked.

"Of course- we're friends after all aren't we?" He said.

"Alright, let's go while the hall's are crowded." She said leading the way.

Yuri led him through the halls cautiously as if they were crossing the street. It was oddly amusing to him. They finally made it outside of the school. Next thing he knew, they were near their school's track field but a bit farther.

    "Here it is," Yuri smiled, sitting on one of the bleachers.

    "How come I've never seen this part of the school before-?" Kai said, placing his bag on the bleachers.

    "Because you never come and watch the track racers compete," Yuri teased, crossing her ankles.

    "Oh- I didn't even know our school had a track team-"

Yuri began to laugh, Huening Kai looked away embarrassed.

    "Okay- I didn't bring you out here to poke fun at you-" Yuri stated.

    "What are you planning on doing out here?" He said, watching Yuri digging through her bag.

    "Have you ever tried origami?" She said, holding perfectly cut pieces of square paper.

"I have- but don't remember it very well-" He grinned.

    "That's alright, I won't make you do anything extreme," Yuri said, beginning to fold the paper in half.

    "What are you going to teach me today then?" He said with a smug face watching her continue to fold the paper.

    "A paper airplane." Yuri smiled, holding up her paper creation.

Huening Kai stared at it with amazement- he had never seen such a perfectly folded paper airplane, looked like an artist made it.

    "Woah- how are you so good with folding paper?!" He said holding the paper airplane for himself to look at.

    "I've been practicing since I was young I guess.." Yuri laughed nervously, "It's been a fun hobby I've been doing over the years."

    "Teach me Yuri-!" He pleaded.

Yuri laughed, "Heh- sure"

Yuri got a piece of paper out for Huening Kai as she taught him how to fold it and which ways to crease it, he was very entertained.

    "Good job" Yuri said, looking at Kai's paper masterpiece.

"Since it's windy I bet they'll fly far," Yuri said, getting ready to aim and throw.

    "let's throw it at the same time" He said.

They both threw their paper airplanes on three and they glided really far with the wind, they flew close by to each other.

"Looks like mine is going farther" Yuri said hugging her knees.

    "Hey look! An actual airplane," He pointed at the sky.

Yuri looked up and there was a white plane also gliding far up in the air, it was leaving a cloud trail behind it.

"Are you hungry Kai?"

𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 [ 휴닝카이 ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora