35- bridge

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It's been a few weeks since the incident at the rooftop, but Kai has been really sweet and understanding.

The more time we spent with each other the more I learned about myself and each other.

Despite all the therapists and medication, Huening Kai is the best medicine.

And I'll never stop loving him for that.

The two were in Kai's room looking through his family's photobooks.

"Oh wow.." Yuri said as she saw a photo of her grandparents.

Kai noticed the photo and looked over at Yuri to find her surprisingly smiling.

"Are you okay Yuri?" Kai asked as he held her hand.

"Yeah I'm fine," she said, "just remembering stuff"

"like what?" he asked.

"I think when I first noticed I wasn't like the other kids is when my grandpa passed away," Yuri said, "I played and daydreamed by myself, I drew crude things and had this strong feeling of disappearing and I didn't know why"

"He was the only father figure I had apart from my actual father" she said.

"I'm sorry Yuri-" Kai said.

"It's okay Kai" Yuri said blinking back her tears. "I'm better now"

"You know" he said, "I'm not as normal as you think I am" he said.

"What do you mean?" Yuri asked.

"People say I'm the happiest person they've ever met but really I just don't show much emotion when I'm sad" Kai said.

"Why do your hide emotions?" Yuri asked.

"My mom rarely shows emotions, we can barely ever tell what she's thinking, so I guess I picked it up from her and she noticed."

"One day she told me that crying won't do anything so I wouldn't cry, now I do it to relieve stress and then find a way to fix the problem" Kai explained.

"That's why I'm proud of you for being able to express such strong emotions Yuri, you taught me how to feel and I'll forever love you for that" Kai said holding her hands.

"Kai-" Yuri said trying not to cry.

"Sorry I probably said too much-" he said looking off to the side.

"No Kai- it's good-!" Yuri said intertwining her fingers with his "you just expressed emotion" she smiled.

"Ah- that's right.." Kai said looking off to the side flustered, "I've got an idea"

"What is it?" Yuri asked.

"Just come with me" Kai said, taking her hand as they left the house.

The whole way there Yuri asked Kai where they were going but all he would respond with was "you'll see"

As the two finally made it, Kai stopped walking on a bridge.

"The bridge?" Yuri asked.

Kai smiled and turned to her.

"Let's scream all our feelings we have bottled up inside"

"Won't we look crazy?" Yuri asked.

"What's wrong with crazy?" he smiled.

Yuri let go of Kai's hands as she walked over to the railing of the bridge.

"I HATE YOU DAD" Yuri shouted.

Kai smiled to himself as he joined her by the railing.







Yuri clasped the railing as she looked over at Kai who had tears running down his cheeks as he looked back at Yuri as he smiled.

"Kai.." Yuri muttered.

"See? You've taught me how to feel things Yuri" he smiled.

"Pain?" Yuri said, "that's one of the last things I ever want you to feel"

"No Yuri," he said "I've never loved someone so much that it hurts"

"I'm so glad to see you wake up everyday and be your boyfriend"

Yuri smiled as tears escaped her eyes as she ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"I love you" he whispered into her ear sending chills up her spine.

"I love you too" Yuri said as she got on her tippy toes as the two kissed on the bridge as cars sped past.

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