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It was late into night. The darkness was intensified by the rain, which was pouring heavily onto the ground. Thunder shackled the surroundings and the dogs in the further neighbourhood started to howl. The sky was embellished by lightning bolts, the stream of accumulated water was going down the path. The area was lightened only by weak street lamp - except the constant flash of lightnings - but was bickering, turning on and off. The wind carried all the dirt and trash around, making the empty plastic bags swirl in small whirlwinds.

Two silhouettes of men emerged from the darkness, both hardly breathing, clearly in the middle of a fight. They were in the centre of sloped street, restricted by both sides of it by tall, stone fence. One of the men hid in the shadow, while taking a shallow breaths. Second's man face was lightened by the sudden lightning bolt, showing that it was all covered in blood mixed with dirt.

He was tired of running away, so he just went onto his knees and smiled, showing his bloody teeth. 'Take it... I don't want to remember...', he quietly whispered, stretching his arms to the sides, yet the words got to the man in the shadow, making him more angry, than he already was. He wiped his lips, spitted rest the saliva to the ground and moved towards kneeling man.

His shoulders were sunk down and he moved as he was staggering, but he got to his opponent. He started to laugh, as his shoulders moved and he kicked the second man, which wasn't resisting. Soon he hit the ground with his face, unconscious. The kicker aimed his last strike and hardly hit the stomach of the laying man.

When he made sure, that the other will not wake up anytime sooner, he turned around on his heel and proceeded to slowly go up the hill, disappearing in the rain and the dark.

The beaten up face of the victim stayed on the road. The blood was flowing down from his nostrils, he was scowling. The wet hair glued to his face and he had trouble with breathing. After uncertain amount of time his face lightened up red and blue, when the help appeared.

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