The entire 20 minute drive to your house is full of laughter and flirting. It's the type of young love you wanted to be perpetual and was driven by so many different factors that you thought separated your relationship with Billy from others. His eyes were on you more than they were on the road and it made a feeling well up inside of you that no matter how many times you felt it in his presence, it felt like the first time. Any time he could, Billy leaned over and kissed you or playfully bit your neck, laughing when the touch of his mouth to your skin made you giggle or the way his breath caressed you as he whispered and made you blush.

Your hand never leaves his lap the entire duration of the ride and presses up against the warmth of his inner thigh. The cock that you'd noticed the outline of when meeting Billy outside of the school as it pressed up against his gym shorts was just centimetres away from your fingertips and you could tell he was semi-hard. It took all of the restraint in the world to tame that voice inside of your head telling you to grab it. But before you know it the blue Camaro pulls into your driveway behind your parents' car and Billy puts it in park.

"What time are your parents leaving tonight?", Billy asked with a one-sided smile forming on his face, ideas forming in his mind.

"Around 6 o'clock. Be here at 7."

Billy pulls you close to him and gently places a soft kiss on your lips before pulling away and latching his eyes onto yours, "I'll be here right at 7. Any moment of time away from you is a moment I've unnecessarily wasted."

♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

Before your backpack hits the floor of your bedroom Dad calls you downstairs. Not wanting to give any reason for change of plot for tonight's events you follow his voice down to the kitchen where he and Mom are standing, fully garmented and wearing their coats as if ready to leave.

"Where are you going? I thought you weren't leaving until later." you asked, hope building up in your gut.

"Your Grandmother's expecting us sooner than we'd planned, plus it's a long drive. I wanted to get on the road before it gets dark." Dad answered.

"Honey," your Mom chimes in. You know exactly what's about to be brought up "..won't you come with us? I hate leaving you all by yourself, especially on a weekend night."

"I'll be fine, Mom! I'm not twelve!" not knowing what level of agitation is suitable to discourage any suspicion or last minute reasons for them to stay home.

"That Hargrove boy won't be coming over here will he?" Dad asks before Mom can.

You roll your eyes and exhale dramatically. There it was. You knew the topic of Billy was coming. "Absolutely not! Billy was going to pick up Steve to hang out right as soon as he dropped me off! (Lie.)

Both parents looked at each other to cogitate silently and figure out whether they believed you. After about a decade's worth of silence your parents shrugged and surrendered.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come with us then?" Mom asks, clasping her hands together as if pleading would change your mind.

"No, please just go and have a good time! Give Grandma a kiss for me." your voice was almost too persuasive and pushy.

Dad picks up the satchel containing both parents' change of clothes and toiletries before opening the front door and walking out behind your Mother, "You will call us if you need anything?"

"Yes, Dad...I won't set the house on fire, I'll behave, I'll clean up after myself, blah blah blah..." you laughed

After another long minute of lecturing your parents finally got in the car. You wave and close the door behind you and run over to the window to watch from between a small crack in the blinds. After your parents finally pull off you look at the wall clock which read 4:48. By this account you could get ready, call Billy with the surprise news and have him over by 5:30 or 6:00!

Dacre Montgomery Oneshots.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن