Story 1) Byleth and the Girls Day

Start from the beginning

Felix scoffed. "Oh please Sylvain, you're just wanting to look for your next girlfriend you'll end up dumping in three days." Felix said.

Sylvain turned to Felix. "Hey, that's not totally why I want to go" Sylvain said angrily to Felix. "Though the idea of flirting with some more girls does sound appealing."

"Sylvain, this was my idea. You guys can do something with the professor the next week." Annette argued.

"Nope, our plan to sneak into Professor Jeritza's quarters to see if that's where any leads on Flayn's disappearance is next weekend." Sylvain countered. Annette was mad.

"Then come up with your own idea and see which one the professor would like to do more!" Annette challenged.

"You're on!" Sylvain accepted. Ashe and Ingrid where just watching the whole scene unfold.

"Now now everyone, can we just solve this like normal human beings?" Ashe asked. Annette and Sylvain ignored Ashe and continued arguing.

Byleth was having difficultly focusing on Dimitri. She wanted to listen, but she was so tired that no matter how hard she tried, her focus was still going in and out. It didn't take long for Dimitri to notice. "Uh, professor?" Dimitri said, he waved his hand in front of Byleth to make sure she's awake. "Are you awake?"

Byleth slowly nodded. "Yea yea, I'm listening, totally not sleeping." Byleth tiredly said. She yawned.

Dimitri shook his head. "Professor, I beg of you to take a break. All of us do, you need to look after yourself." Dimitri said. He walked behind the desk and grabbed Byleth's arm and guided her to the Dinning Hall. "It won't hurt to stop working for a while. Come on, we are all expecting you." Dimitri said as he guided the confused and tired professor out of her classroom.

When Dimitri returned with Byleth, Annette and Sylvain where still arguing with Ashe, Ingrid, and Dedue trying to break it up. Felix was doing nothing, for he thought it was funny seeing Sylvain getting burned by a girl. Ashe noticed the two walk in and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Serios the professor is here to end this argument." Ashe said to himself. Byleth saw the argument that was unfolding in front of her.

Byleth sighed. "Alright, whatever you guys are arguing about, stop it or I'll make you do stable duty for an entire moon." Byleth threatened. Annette and Sylvain turned to their professor and instantly sat back down.

"Yes professor." The mumbled in unison.

Annette cleared her throat. "Professor, we have noticed that you are seem to be going downhill when it comes to, uh, self care. You clearly need some time to yourself and some time not to worry about school or battles." Annette said.

Byleth yawned. "Everyone, I'm fine, I can handle it. Besides, every Sunday I have the day off so I can just rest then." Byleth said. She turned around to head back to her classroom but was stopped by Dimitri.

"Professor, please listen to them, we all care for you." Dimitri said.

Byleth sighed. "Fine, what are you planning?" She asked.

"Well, what you need is a day to relax and not focus on school. So I propose that you, Ingrid, Mercie, and I take this Saturday to do a girls day!" Annette proposed. Byleth was a little confused.

"Uh, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but what's that?" Byleth asked.

"It's a day where the four of us go out and do relaxing activities like relaxing in the sauna, have a nice afternoon while drinking tea in the courtyard, or go out to the market and do some shopping." Mercedes finished.

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