Chapter 12

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***I know you guys have had some rough patches here in the first ten chapters or so, but I PROMISE this is one part you'll like. Promise! You get a Nya POV and (finally) a Zane POV!

Also, my next update will most likely come Wednesday - I'm breaking out the flashcards and colored pens right now so I can study like crazy for chemistry LOL

Also, Auntie Smith is one of the few OC's you'll ever see in my writing. I needed her for the storyline, so I had to create her :P

Also, I came to the point where I realized Nya gets herself into a lot of trouble in my books, a trope I've tried to forgo LOL On the bright side, she's good at finding her way out of trouble and doesn't need no man to save her, so I hope things are still interesting for you guys. Thoughts on this? Does Nya just need to keep her nose where it belongs?***

***(Nya's POV)***

I take a deep breath, sprawled across my belly on my bed. I slip the journal I've been using out from under my pillow and open it to a fresh page.

It's been a week since we finished school, and the past few days have been uneventful for the team. There've been no more crazy power plant incidents or sightings of Nadakhan. We're no closer to finding him or the villain he's working for.

This threat just seems harder to pinpoint than all the others we've faced. Garmadon was simple – he never tried to hide it when he was doing something evil. At least with the Sons of Garmadon, we had Sensei Wu to help us. Now? We've had no success in finding our master since Lloyd started working with his mom on it last week.

Even though things may have been uneventful for the team, my emotional and mental life has been a whirlwind. I've had so much to think over the past few days.

I pull my pencil from the spine of my journal and begin to write.

15th May

I'm so bad at starting these entries, so I'm just going to skip the formalities here and just say that...I think I'm ready.

Remember how I wrote about Seliel talking to me the other day? Okay, it wasn't the other day. It was, like, a week ago. But anyway, she told me it wasn't my fault for any of the things I've done – for any of the people I've killed. I was really mad at her at first. I didn't like the way she was accusing Jay and his mom, and she came off...really harsh. But Sel was really just telling me that I had as much fault as they did in what happened, and they didn't have any, so...I didn't have any fault, either.

Seliel's doing fine, by the way – she was really worried about the whole foster family thing, but Cole is working with the authorities. Nothing's certain right now, but it seems that the foster care system will allow Seliel to stay, if only as a foster child. We're crossing our fingers for the best, and we're looking into other methods of gaining custody of her, if needed. Misako might theoretically be allowed to adopt her, but she's a single mom with a horrible track record, to put things nicely.

Seliel has also finally convinced me to let her give me an 'extreme makeover', as she puts it. She tried last night, and it was laughable. When Skylor bought me makeup and clothes, everything was stylish, yet not...overly showy. Seliel, on the other hand...let's just say I stopped her when she tried to give me fake eyelashes. I'll never understand why anyone likes those.

But besides all that, I think I'm ready to forgive myself for what happened, or at on forgiving myself. I can't argue with Seliel's logic. It's still hard for me to grapple with my parents' death, but Sel's dad and Jay's mom...I can see how that isn't my guilt to bear.

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