Chapter 11

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***I've been waiting to write this chapter for a long while <3 Finally, Seliel gets a POV!

Also, I accidentally fulfilled the day's Flumptober prompt (a oneshot including Gayle Gossip or Dareth) by writing this LOL Who would've thought?

But without further adieu, here's your chapter! <3 Next update will most likely come Tuesday, but maybe tomorrow!

Have fun with 4,750 words. I'll try to condense everything better next time LOL***

***(Jay's POV)***

It's been two days since I last saw Nya at school, and the fact that I hurt her that bad is eating me up inside. I feel like Captain Kirk from Star Trek when he's writing his captain's log for one of those times the Enterprise is floating aimlessly in space. You know, the times where he's like, "We've been drifting in space for days, and we have nothing left to live for."

Yeah, well, I need to find a way out of this cycle. It's just depressing.

I roll off my bed and slip on my tennis shoes. My counseling appointment isn't for another hour, but I'm going to go early and see if my therapist can squeeze me in. I just really need to talk this out, and no offense to my parents, but I don't want to tell them I kissed Nya when she was at her weakest. They think I'm a god for coming to stay with them for a while, and I don't want to burst their bubble.

I pop my head out of my room. "Mom?" I call.

She beams at me from the kitchen. "What, honey?"

"Um, I wanted to let you know that I'm heading out, okay?"

"Where are you going?"


She frowns at the clock. "That's not for another hour. Oh! That's actually a good thing. Sweetie, I need you to drop off some things of Nya's she left at our house all those months ago in February. You haven't been around to return them for so long, they've just been sitting here!"

I blanch. "Um...why can' or dad drop them off? I kind of wanted to head to counseling early." And Nya wants space, so that's exactly what I'm giving her.

"Your father's busy, Jay. And I had my driver's license revoked for a year after I left three parking tickets unpaid. Should've made a note to pay those." She hums to herself as she walks into our small living area and grabs a bag off a peg on the wall.

"You lost your license over a parking ticket?" I frown.

"Three parking tickets, honey. And I didn't pay them." She hands me the bag. "These are Nya's. Thanks for being such a dear!" She smooches my cheek, then bustles off to the kitchen again.

I sigh. I'm not even going to look in this bag. Too many memories – of my mom's death, of Nya's horrible internal battle. I was terrified she was going to do something to hurt herself back then, but she remained pretty stable through the whole thing.

I'm the one who wasn't stable. I'm the one who turned into an emotional mess and ruined everything for Nya, my team, my friends, myself.

I swiftly stalk out of the house before my mom finds me crying my eyes out. I don't want her to be worried.

I head for my car and toss Nya's clothes in the passenger seat, listening to the familiar rumble of the engine as I start the vehicle. I guess I'll just drop Nya's stuff off at the monastery. If she doesn't want to see me, I probably shouldn't go to her house.

Gosh, I've messed up so bad. It really hurts to think she'll probably never want to be with me now, but what hurts even more is that she put up with so much the past few months. I hope I haven't ruined her for dating.

Wrong Place, Wrong Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें