Chapter 8

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***Well, here we are. Chapter 9 will be posted right after this - it just needs editing. Also, sorry for 2,500 words of Lloyd's POV and 800 words of Zane's, but that's just what my brain wanted to throw up LOL

As for the song selection: It's all I could think of, given that Lloyd does some reminiscing about his past. It's by no means a perfect fit. It's fun to listen to, though, and it sort of works. So I thought, "Why not?" LOL***

***(Lloyd's POV)***

"So here's what we know." I eye Zane and Cole. Kai, Jay, and Nya are all out doing wedding stuff, but they should be back any time now. At least, I hope they will be – we've got our first big villain in months.

"Nadakhan is somehow involved with this whole power plant conspiracy," I go on. "Nya confirmed it was him, right?"

Zane nods. "You are correct."

"Then I say we find Nadakhan," I declare.

Cole coughs. "Um, I don't think he's going to be so easy to locate, Lloyd. He's a teleporting genie."

"He is actually a Djinn," Zane corrects him.

Cole shrugs. "Whatever. The point is, he's difficult to track down."

"Maybe my mom knows something about Djinns that would be useful?" I suggest. "We could always ask her. She gets back from teaching her college history courses in another hour or so."

"I do have access to limited information regarding Djinns," Zane pipes up. "And perhaps PIXAL can fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I can call her, if you would like."

I nod. "That's good thinking, Zane. Go ahead and put her on the phone."

Zane smiles and does as I ask.

Seliel raises an eyebrow. "So...none of you are more than a little surprised to be dealing with a magical being from another realm?"

Cole and I look at each other.

"Not really," he replies.

"Yeah," I agree. "I mean, we've faced magical snakes and my dark lord of a father. A few months back, we had to deal with a gang intent on stealing elemental powers. Adding a Djinn to the mix isn't really a surprise."

"Huh," Seliel muses. "I just think it's weird that you all face so many crazy threats all the time. You guys must be used to it, though."

We hear a rattling noise outside, signifying that Kai has arrived. Kai owns a car that belongs in a junkyard – it's pretty banged up. Skylor's offered to buy him a new set of wheels, but he's kind of attached to his vehicle now. I think it reminds him of Nya's early high school years, so he doesn't want to let it go.

He really is like a parent to her.

The door opens, and Kai's voice fills the monastery hall. "Sorry we're late. I was pacifying Skylor after leaving her at the bakery for an hour."

"Yeah, but you left me with her!" Jay complains as he, Nya, and Kai walk into the living area. "You think it's good for anyone to be around Skylor alone right now? She's crazy! And people already inherently hate me for being annoying!"

Nya huffs. "Stop downing yourself, Jay. You're not inherently annoying." She takes a seat right between Cole and me – far away from Jay.

***Music Cue***

But surprisingly close to me, which is new. I'm usually Nya's last choice for...anything.

Seliel extends her good leg from her position on the couch, toeing Nya in the side. "How'd cake-tasting go?"

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