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-Shataya POV-

*Im walking in this bright, white place. Everything in this moment time, is unnaturally blurry. I'm presuming this is heaven. I feel like I've been in this place before. There's a slim tall figure walking towards me . Seems, like a woman, and her hair is slowly bouncing like a fan is blowing in her face.*

Me: Mum?

Mum: Baby....

* I run up to her and wrap my curvy arms around her slim waist. She kisses my forehead and lifts my chin up just before she wipes the tears sliding down my cheeks.*

Mum: Your a strong girl sweetheart. Be you, everyone else is taken. I love you.

Me: Mum, what do I do, I'm scared.

Mum: Firstly, enjoy and take pride during your pregnancy....

*I held my breath and took a thought about she was going on about. I wasn't sure if that bump was growing.*

Mum: Look after Shakayla, and the time you have with grandma, spend it wisely. And Tyrone, send him my love, with yours. He needs you. He's a confused little boy and he will offer you the world. You can't end it on low baby. Ty wants to protect you!

*Mum started walking away.*

Me: Where you going?

Mum: Don't concentrate to hard sweety.

*The bright spark in the scenery starts to fade and go dull and black. My fingers feel a soft linen sheet and my eyes open. I'm surrounded by electrical equipment*

Tyrone: Doctor she's awake!

Doctor....: Hello, Shataya. I'm Doctor Kay. Your in a hospital. Do you remember anything that has happened?

Me: Yes. I remember being hit by something.

Doctor Kay: Ok!

*He starts recording the information into the notes. I look at Ty. His cute face has bags and he also grew some stubble. Got to admit, he is looking fine with stubble.*

Doctor Kay: Ok cover your left eye. How many fingers am I holding?

*I do so*

Me: 3

Doctor Kay: Well done, the same but with your other hand.

Me: 2

Doctor Kay: Good good....You can now spend time with family

Me: Can I have just a minute with Ty please?

Doctor Kay: 10minutes max, we want check how the baby is going.


*I look at Ty and he faces me with a wide smile, guessing he already knows.*

Tyrone: We're pregnant baby!

Doctor Kay: Only a week, which is why we need to check for any severe damages and whether it's actually a baby.

Me: Ok, thank you

Doctor Kay: I'll be back.

*My heart was pounding. The thing is, I don't know whether the baby is mine. And if it isn't Tyrone's I don't want anything to do with it.*

Tyrone: You ok, baby. You look pale! Want me to get the doctor?

Me: No. I just want to say sorry about yesterday.

Tyrone: Yesterday?!?

Me: Yeah, the argument.

Tyrone: You weren't awake though

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