Secrets ||Part 3||

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-Shataya POV-
Me: Nana, are you ok?
*This girl pushed me out of the way and made Nana lay on her back. She grabbed the oxygen mask and ordered me to hold onto it as if I work with her. Luckily it was my Grandma on that bed, otherwise I would of went out of my way and knocked her out.*
The b*tch: Can you hear me Beth?
*BETH! I don't who she thinks she is, but ain't nobody know her like that...Nana responds by waving her fingers in the air, followed by her breathing slowing down and becoming a little less heavier*
Nana: Amelia dear, turn off that stupid bell. It's damaging my ear drums. What did I tell you about that sweetheart.?
Amelia AKA The b*tch: Sorry! You ok now?
Nana: I'm fine Lia! Just lost control.
*She starts flipping through what I'm guessing is Nanas health diary. Amelia gives me the crooked eye and I can't help but screw her back, before kissing my teeth.*
Amelia: Elizabeth, did you take your 5th pill today?
Nana: I don't remember...
Amelia: Well you are going to have take it now then! Before anything else happens to you. Only two more days until you can get rid of that routine.
*They smirk at one another but I stand there looking at the slag.*
Me: Ok, you can leave now
Nana: Don't be so rude Shataya
Me: I think I'm old enough to know what I'm doing now ...
Nana: You can't really say that now, speaking of responsibilities, Amelia darling, can I have some space please.
Amelia: Yeah, sure. Be sure to take those pills though
*I mimic what she says and  she leaves in anger. I sit back down and face Nana.*
Nana: Tell me everything, Who? When? Where?
Me: Well it was at a hotel, just a few miles away from home not too far from school, with Tyrone.
Nana: WHO?
Me: I'm sorry,
Nana: My little boy, Tyrone the rich one.
Me: Yeah
Nana: His like your brother Shataya! What was you thinking?
Me: I was going through so much, I didn't know what to do and I didn't think I had anything to lose. Plus we were in a relationship
Nana: Oh my Shataya. You're ridiculous. I didn't think you would do such a thing!
Me: I'm so sorry! I've been handling it well so far Nana. I've moved in with him and his been looking after Shakayla. She even has her own room!
Nana: Having a bigger house doesn't mean anything Taya. Nothing has changed yet because this is only the beginning. I bet his parents are paying the bills like they always do. Favoring their son like he won't be there tomorrow.
Me: Don't say that! Anyways, we have it all planned out
Nana: Really now!
Me: Well we're going to!
Nana: Shataya, I'm so disappointed in you. You realize you have so much ahead of you right now...
Me: I know and I have it all under control!
Nana: What about school?
Me: I have an appointment tomorrow about it with the head!
Nana: I'm coming with you.
Me: Your weak Nana! You can't come, and I have someone else coming with me
Nana: Who?
Me: Do your remember---
Dominiquè: This boy won't stop crying, help me!
*Dominiquè walks in complaining like he is anywhere else but a hospice. I turn and look up to him and raise an eyebrow*
Nana: Dominiquè! My darling!
Dominqiuè: Ms Daines
Nana: Oh, come and give your grandma a hug!
*I sit there watching Nana share more love to Dominiquè than she has to me my whole life! Dominiquè sits Jamalè on my lap and drowns Nana in kisses and hugs as I calm his little boy down!*
Me: Do you remember Dominiquè?
Nana: What about him?
Me: We're back together now!
Nana: Oh hallelujah!
Me: Amen!
{They all laugh}
Dominiquè: I'm back and here for you and you only, forget Shataya!
*I look at him whilst his busy making Nana laugh which she really needs right now. It's me who's putting her through all of this and the last thing we need right now is for me to even be here telling her all this bs.*
Nana: So Dominiquè, do you know anything about Shataya being pregnant?
Nana: I wasn't asking you Shataya
Dominiquè: Errr, she told me a while ago!
Nana: Oh, so she decides to tell you before her own family, not that you aren't dear
Dominiquè: It's ok, I understand!
Nana: Shataya, I'm happy you didn't get rid of it!
Me: Why would I?
Nana: Why did I have to remember Dominqiuè?
Dominiquè: Huh?
Me: Basically, I asked him to come with me to the appointment and I've got a scan afterwards, where I'll be going alone!
Nana: Well good luck!
Me: Thanks! I thought you would of killed me....
Nana: That's very rude, do I look like someone who would kill anyone. Are you accusi----
Me: Calm down! It was a joke!
Nana: .....
Me: Why you so angry at that?
Nana: It's nothing!
Me: It's something!
Nana: It doesn't involve you Shataya
Me: I'm related to you, of course it involves me!
Nana: Shataya just shut up!
Me: No, you never react to things like that. Ever!
Nana: It doesn't matter anymore
Me: It's to do with me!
Nana: It's to do with your Mum, end of!
Me: That's even worse. What are you not telling me?
Dominiquè: Imma leave now!
*I grab his arms and sit him back down, forgetting that Jamalè is in my hand.*
Nana: Can you get Amelia please, I don't feel right!
Me: I don't think that skank would be able to tell you you're feeling guilty Nana!
Nana: That's rude. What happened to your manners?
Me: Stop changing the subject what is it?
Nana: If I tell you, promise not to speak of it again and it will never be brought up! Even you Dominiquè!
*I put my hands behind her back making it look as if I have an itch on my back.*
Dominqiuè and I: Promise!
Me: So what is it!?
Nana: When your mum was pregnant with you, I absolutely hated that. In my days being a young mum was equivalent to being a prostitute.
Me: Yeah
*I lean as I feel the tension rise, knowing that what she's about to say will be extremely bad considering she's making a big deal out of it.*
Nana: So when she told me, she wanted to keep the baby, I hated the fact that I was going to have more responsibility for a whole family, when at the same time, your Grandad had went missing!
Me: You wanted her to get rid of me?
Nana: It's complicated....
Me: But your a mum and still accepted that!
Nana: She was asleep and I couldn't keep my emotions inside. I let all the anger out. I sat there and cried in front of her and the closest thing to me was a pillow. I kiss-kiss-kissed her goodbye...
*Tears were strolling down our cheeks as if we were a reflection of each other. Dominiquè sat there shaking his leg and held out his hand for me to hold .*
Nana: And I stretched my arms in front of me then turned my head away----
Me: I get it Nana, you don't need to carry hated the fact that I was growing inside of her you wanted to kill the both of us.
Nana: .....I love you Shataya
Me: Your sick! Don't even let me hear those words exit your mouth
Nana: You don't understand
Me: I'm pretty sure I do....and I don't want nothing to do with you! What sick mother can't accept there own daughter so decides to get rid of her.
Nana: Shataya please!
Me: It's fine, I understand....I'll send some clothes tomorrow!
*I grab the baby bag, with Jamalè thankfully drifting away in my arms. I leave the flowers and other stuff beside her on the table and leave. I open the door to find the ugly whore standing outside.*
Me: Eavesdropping now!
Amelia: Erm...
*Amelia straightens up her posture trying to put on act as the innocent girl she thinks she is.*
Me: Just go in there! You pretty much know everything....Go spend time with 'Beth' and you can be  ugly-hearted b*tches together!
*I leave the hospice and make my way to the car. We reach the car park and I start over-thinking things. Did God plan this difficult life for me? I feel everyone wants the worst for me! In fact people probably don't want me there! Dominiquè grabs me by the arm and I turn on the heel of my foot to face him. Trying to show that I am strong about the whole situation.*
Dominiquè: I'm so sorry Shataya!
Me: There's nothing for you to apologize for. It's not your fault! I'm just happy you're here with me and I wouldn't have it any other way...
Dominiquè: I love you
Me: I love you more
Dominiquè: I'll take this little monster. Just warm yourself up in the car...
*Dominiquè grabs hold of Jamalè and straps him into his seat while I do as he said. Make myself comfortable in the car. He then comes to the drivers seat and slightly puts his foot down on the pedal.*
Dominiquè: Should we get some takeaway for dinner?
Me: Well I am hungry!
Dominiquè: Cool!
-Shakayla POV-
*I'm laying with my head resting on the pillow, hearing Ty and that girl, Mya, downstairs making so much noise, they're probably playing charades. How does Tyrone expect me to have all this information locked at the back of my head and not say a word about it. To be honest it's all I've been thinking of today. I switch my light on knowing there's no point in going to sleep now, with all the sounds in the background. I go downstairs revising what Rebecca said about Mya and Tyrone. Even they knew. Made me angry but at least they told me! I'm guessing the whole family knows. But then again, Taya and Mrs Johnson have a good relationship! I head downstairs trying to avoid making any creaks on the wooden floor. I peek through the door trying to see what their doing. Mya's laying up-on Ty, eating his face off. His phone is on the edge of the seat, I take my chance and grab it.*
{Text message}
Me: Listen to this xxx
Me: Error! You Have More Than 20seconds footage. Video cannot be sent! Would you like to cut off the extra footage?
*I tap on the yes option and then press ok*
{Message sent}
*Tyrone's gonna wake up to a nice morning text first thing tomorrow*
Thanks for reading! Sorry it's been long. I've had every type of distraction there is so it's made it kind of difficult, but nixxa we made it! 😂🙌🏾 (BANTER)
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