It' never finished {Part 1}

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This could possibly be the last few chapters I'm sorry it might not be as interesting but I'm trying to make it lead up to a really good ending. My bad! Thanks for reading and share please
-Shataya POV-

{Phone ringing}

Me: Hello??
****: Hi, this is the hospital. Is this Shataya Daines?
Me: Yes
****: Erm..This is your consultant. I'm sorry to disturb at this time of day.
Me: It's cool
Consultant: You came earlier today and you was told that there was some things we couldn't quite understand.
Me: Yeah! What was it?
Consultant: Like we said before you have a chance of delivering twins and that's what we saw, but it's very normal to have one developing quicker than the other. The scan isn't giving us much information. Everything we see is identified as 'superfetation'. But we're not 100% sure.
Me: Ohhh.....
Consultant: Dont stress out darling, it affects the baby. Have a good night Shataya?
Me: And you...bye
Consultant: Bye
*What on heaven and earth is superfetation. I quickly called Dominiquè, then remembering that we're not talking! I sat up and put the bowl of ice - cream onto the table. My head was in my arms and I thought about the whole thing. I rushed up the stairs and ran into Shakaylas room to see what state Ty's cousins left her in. She was fast asleep with tissues beside her. I guess she's come back home with an illness. I walked back downstairs and turned off the TV and switched all the lights off. I returned back up stairs and began overthinking. I got ready for bed and ended up falling asleep.*
(Next Day)
-Shakayala POV-
*I wake up forgetting that I'm back home, so I lay in for a while. I then notice how quiet the house is so I check if Shataya's home. She is. I go downstairs and take my chance of eating a bar of chocolate for breakfast with some cola! I sit with my mini-meal, then hearing on-going knocks on the door. I rush upstairs to check who's downstairs, so I look through the window at the end of the hallway. I recognize the car in the car park so I take a risk and let the person in. Dominique rushes in like theirs a army of hounds chasing him.*
Dominiquè: Where's Shataya?
Me: In her room sleeping!
Dominiquè: What time did she go to sleep last night?
Me: Well it was obviously late because she's always awake before me?
Dominiquè: Lets hope she's still asleep in 2hours.
Me: Why?
Dominiquè: Can you cook?
Me: Well, I've made toast before....
-Tyrone's POV-
{On the phone to uncle}
Me: I can't stay any longer
Uncle: Well I can't have you coming to work and deciding when to go back. We'd agreed that you'd be here for a month. Can you not deal with 1last week?
Me: I've made a massive mistake and I need to get home.
Uncle: Is it urgent?
Me: It will affect my future?
Uncle: Tyrone anything can!
Me: You don't understand it. What do you know about love huh?
Uncle: I've had enough of you anyways. Bye!
Me: Whatever?
{Phone call ended}
*2hours I'm back home and I can't wait. I've been thinking this through carefully and I know what I want and nothing's gonna stop me. Shataya is what I want and need and I've been a complete idiot and wasteman.*
-Shataya POV-
*I wake to the smell of roast lamb and potatoes, so obviously I make my way downstairs 'cause this baby needs feeding. I see a tall figure standing in a decent, fitted tuxedo and an casual white polo inside. Dominiquè. I can't help but notice how handsome he looks right now but my feeling for him are all over the place. He walks over to me and reaches out his hand.*
Me: What is up with all you men with your cheesy ideas.
Dominiquè: Shataya don't be like this. You don't know what my past day was like and I can't even believe I'm doing this right now.
Me: Fine! What is it that you want me to be so happy for or about because I know it's coming.
Dominqiuè: Come sit and have some brunch.
Me: When I'm looking like this?
Dominiquè: You beautiful to me!
Shakayla: lots are butters
Dominiquè: Come sit down then
Me: Thanks for cooking.
Dominiquè: I can't take all the credit.
Me: Shakayla cooked?
Dominiquè: Yup!
Me: Don't lie!!
Dominiquè: Swear on my mums life!
Me: Well done sis! Now get lost!
Shakayla: I was planning on doing that anyways. I'm going next door
Me: So what's all this about
Dominiquè: I broke up with Chantelle
Me: Huh?
Dominiquè: Yes you heard right!
Me: Ok, that's it?
Dominiquè: What the f*ck? It was for you. I wanted you.
Me: Ok
Dominiquè: I don't understand, do you want me or not?
Me: I don't know.
Dominiquè: What do you mean?
Me: What makes you think I'm not scared you'd do the same to me. Want me, Love me, Get me, Use me, Leave me.
Dominiquè: Because that list will only stop at me loving you!
*He walks towards me and stand behind me with his hand on my shoulders and his lips sucking on my neck. I couldn't resist. The temptation was too much and we walked over to the sofa. I tried to get a word in but I was struggling to while Dominique's lips was caressing mine.*
Me: Awww, I love you too much
Dominiquè: Thank goodness
Me: Errm...
Dominiquè: What?
*He stopped caressing my lips. I was thinking to tell him about what the consultant said to me but I don't think that big of a thing.*
Me: Nothing you just kinda stepped on my toe...
Dominiquè: Sorry
*.....I had a pleasant morning. We had finished what we started and I layed on Dominiquè for some comfort after that little activity.*
Me: So what about the babies. Would you love them the way I love you?
Dominiquè: Yeah sure
Me: Oh, I thought yo----
{Dominiquès phone rings}
Dominiquè: Hello
*I could hear shouting from the other end of the phone and I was concerned to know what was happening*
Dominiquè: Ok, I'll be there in a minute!
{Phone call ended}
Me: You ok?
Dominiquè: Yeah....someone needs me!
Me: What for?
*I watch him get dressed...*
Dominiquè: Some things I need to sort out...don't worry about it?
Me: Well hopefully you don't take to long. I'm happy I don't have to share you...
Dominiquè: Funny
*I escort him to the door and ask him various questions but I can see he doesn't really want to talk about it. I let go of the subject and kiss him good bye but as I open the door----*
Tyrone: Dominiquè???
Me: Errrm
Dominiquè: Bye
*Dominiquè walks off and I'm left standing with Tyrone. The jerk!*
Me: Why you here?
Tyrone: What the f*ck Shataya, why's he here?
Me: That's my business.
Tyrone: You can't be serious!
*I walk to into the house with fustration and he follows behind then grabbing my wrist with a tight grip to stop me from going elsewhere.*
Tyrone: Do I look like I've got d*ck written across my head?
Me: Would you like me to answer that?
Tyrone: Look at the state of this room. I know you two been linkin! How long?
Me: Why'd you care so much? We're not together anymore?
Tyrone: Since when?
Me: Since you left me to go and sleep with some girl.
Tyrone: That was just once!
Me: So you think I'm stupid enough to go back with a fool like you after you hurt me like this.
Tyrone: Shataya that wasn't my intention
Me: What was, huh? To play me like a tw*t! I don't want you no more. I'm over you. OVER YOU!
*I walked away and he pulled me back. I tried to get him off me, but with a 4 month baby inside of me, getting Tyrone's arms off me was a struggle, especially when they wrapped around me. I'd forgot how strong he was but I wasn't in the mood to start fighting him.*
Tyrone: No your not!
Me: Can you read my mind?
Tyrone: No but I know you better than anyone else.
Me: Do you now? Let go of me Ty
Tyrone: No. Not until you tell me why your with Dominiquè
Me: Because I love him more than I love you and that's not gonna change. I want a family with him not you and I don't want you no more. Happy now!
*He slowly released me and I walked upstairs and got ready to leave the house. Why is he back for? Why didn't he just stay with his friend? I still have feelings for Ty but he can't know that.anyways, I want Dominiquè and we're together now so tough luck! I went back downstairs.*
Tyrone: Where you going?
Me: Why?
Tyrone: Because I want to know...
Me: Out
Tyrone: Be more specific....
Me: Shut the f*ck up Ty. I'm out.
*I walked off in my skinny jeans, Mickey and Minney mouse jumper and white air forces with some hoops in my ears. I had my hair in a bun too! I got the bus to Chantelle and 'Dominiquè's' house and I saw Dominiquè's car parked outside. He was probably there to take Jamalè out for the day as he normally does on Saturdays. I walked towards there front door and knocked!*
Chantelle: Hi!
Me: Hi
Chantelle: Come in!
Me: Thanks....
*Chantelle and I talked for a while I was thinking of bringing up the subject about her break up but she was kinda jumpy and happy. She was intrigued to know about what's happening with my pregnancy.*
Me: Err... They said it was all good just that the babies are growing at different speeds which is normal. There was this word that they mentioned but it wasn't important...
Chantelle: I'm pregnant
Me: Ohhh, congrats
*I skipped a beat.*
Me: Who's the papi?
Chantelle: Really? Who else would be? It has to be Dominiquè
*And I skipped another 2 beats*
Me: Yeah, yeah course! Where is he?
Chantelle: In the bedroom
Me: So your still together?
Chantelle: Yeah, and he showed me the tickets to the boat party. He said he saw the pregnancy coming. He's more excited than when he found out 'bout Jamalè
Me: mmmm....
*What the f*ck so he's been playing me too! I'm done!*
Me: Can I use the toilet.
Chantelle: Use the one in my room, I've just bleached the other one, sorry...
Me: Ok
*I walk into the bedroom and see Dominiquè laying in the bed with Jamalè. He looks so sweet but now's not the time.*
Me: What the f*ck are you playing at?
Dominiquè: Oh sh*t!
Me: Dominiquè I trusted you! I thought you were the one
*I started getting teary eyed and I couldn't quite look at Dominiquè the way I've always done.*
Me: I told Ty we're together! I've started to get my life together and you do this.
*He sits up and he looks up at me.*
Chantelle: Are you ok?
Me: Ask him? Chantelle I'm really sorry for everything. This man is cheat. He's an idiot. He's not the man we loved.
Chantelle: We?
Dominiquè: Chantelle don't listen to her....
Chantelle: Well do you expect me to close my ears? Tell me how you do that.
Me: Dominiquè you're not the person I first layed my eyes on in high school. You've turned into the guy I never wanted to meet.
*Dad....I don't know, I never knew him, but I've heard a lot---*
Chantelle: You deceitful, back-stabbing, prick. Why the f*ck would you do that? What did you do?
*Chantelle and I stood there looking at his guilty face. She forced Dominiquè to hand her Jamalè!*
Chantelle: Wait until my dad hears this?

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