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"Karma, Queen Tsunade is summoning you." A soldier reported to him.

"Sure." Karma replied, as he walked towards the queen's palace.

"What does she want now...it's not nice to ask the same person to do so many things." He thought to himself.

"Good, you're here."

"Yes, your majesty." He said, kneeling before her.

"Karma, I want you to carry out an infiltration mission." She said, as she walked around the room, staring through the windows out into the kingdom of Konoha.

"Where?" Karma asked, already feeling to lazy to do this mission.


"Nah, I'll pass." He said, standing up.

"This is no way to speak to your queen!" She bellowed, the guards outside already knew what was happening as Karma walked through the door, holding his helmet on his shoulder. 

She started throwing anything she could find, but failed to hit him even once despite her accuracy being well...amazing.

"Wait." She panted, exhausted.

"Hm." Karma turned around, raising an eyebrow.

He was shocked, she actually sounded like she genuinely needed him for once. He turned back around, entering the room again and closing the door behind him.

"So what's gone wrong now?" Karma asked, leaning against the wall.

"Their has been rumours that their king is planning an attack. As you know compared to the kingdom of Liones our 'kingdom of Konoha' may as well be a village. We can't fight them so if they really are planning an invasion I need to find out. That's why I need you to figure it out." She said, forming puppy eyes.

"You don't look cute when you do that you know."

"Shut up!" She growled, throwing a book at him, which he dodged of course.

"Anyways, that sounds like quite the mission. I would have to enter as a complete outsider. Somehow become popular around the village without starting too much trouble which is a mission in itself and then become close enough to the king that he tells me his plans. It's near impossible." Karma said, correcting his posture.

"I know, I guess we just have to stay here and hope for the best."

"Hold on, I didn't say I wouldn't do it."

The guards, who were eavesdropping, eyes widened.

"Really?" Tsunade said, her eyes also widening.

"Yeah it will be fun. Plus who knows, I might end up becoming some sort of special person over there and rule the kingdom myself." Karma laughed.

"You...ruling a kingdom. What a horror that would be." Tsunade said, with a smirk.

"Whatever, anyways I'm gonna leave now so yeah." He said, opening the door.

"Wait! You forgot our signals if you run into any trouble."

"Got em!" Karma shouted down the hallway, waving up sheets of paper.

"When did he-" Tsunade said to herself, turning around to look on her desk.

Karma snuck past the village guards and left, he was too lazy to sign out.

He looked up from the map he stole off of the queens desk only to see the huge kingdom of Liones in front of him. It was already night so he blended well in the shadows but it also meant security around the kingdom would be higher.

The Demon Within (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now