Chapter 21: Reunited

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Tears began to flow from Karma's golden eyes. He grabbed Nagisa into a tight hug.

"Never leave again. I will never let you leave again." He said, in between sniffles.

"I know, I wont." Nagisa reassured him, as he himself began to tear up.


"So where did you go, what happened? I remember Karasuma giving me the phone call saying that the alarm system had been shut off and there was no sign of you. We was sure you would be back soon but then a week went by, then two, then a month and so on. I'm sorry I'm hogging the conversation." Karma smiled, still sniffling.

"It's okay." Nagisa said as he sat down next to Karma on the sofa. "Okay here's the truth..."

Nagisa told Karma everything, about how he was numbed by some sort of injection and then how he escaped the reaper and how he learnt how to sort-of control Mika's power. He told him secrets.

"Wow, that's a lot." Karma said, not knowing what to say.

Nagisa nodded.

"Listen, don't think just because I didn't come back for so long it didn't mean I didn't care. Like I said... I told silver sensei I wanted to see you again on many occasions but he just kept saying I had to practice controlling my power and it was for my own safety too and all this stuff, which at the time I believed to be true but now I know it's not. He just wanted me to be less of a threat I guess. I don't really know what his reasons were cause he could have just killed me probably." Nagisa said, thinking about what happened for the first time so far.

"I know... It's just... I don't know." Karma stuttered.

Nagisa had never seen Karma so vulnerable.

"Listen..." Nagisa said, his eyes beginning to fill. "I want you to look directly in my eyes when I say this."

Karma nodded, turning to face Nagisa. He looked at him with soft eyes.

"I love you Karma. I will never leave you again." He smiled, as tears streamed down his face.

"I love you too...Nagisa." Karma said as he hugged Nagisa, allowing him to cry into him. Letting all his pain out.

That night they both fell asleep right there on the sofa. Promising to never let each other go...ever again.

That morning, Nagisa awoke first. It was in his routine to wake up early now, reaper sensei usually made him begin training at seven.

He slipped away from Karma's arms. Giving him a light kiss on his forehead before getting up to make breakfast.

Karma woke up to the smell of pancakes not long after.


"Oh look who's awake." Nagisa said, with a sweet smile formed on his lips.

Karma rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light shinning through the curtains.

"Did I fall asleep on the sofa." Karma said, slightly embarrassed.

"Actually we both did." Nagisa laughed, handing Karma a plate with a tower of pancakes on top.

"Damn, that's a lot of pancakes. We sharing?" Karma said, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean we can...but you do look a bit skinny at the moment. I wanna make sure your big and strong again, unless the great mighty Karma wants to rely on me for protection." Nagisa said, with a smirk.

"Nah I'm good." Karma said, as he stuffed pancakes down his throat.

"Hey, slow down." Nagisa laughed.

When they finally ate breakfast and finished getting ready, Nagisa decided to have Karma call Karasuma over.

"Hey Karma." Karasuma said, over the phone.

" you come over, it's kind of...important." Karma said, trying not to give anything away. Nagisa wanted to face them himself, so he just wanted Karma to call them over.

Around half an hour later, the doorbell rang.

"Well, can't say I expected you two to get here his quick. Come in." Karma said, with a smirk.

"Someone seems happier." Irina said, smiling.

They followed Karma into the front room. Getting slightly anxious about what's happened.


They both froze...completely speechless.

Nagisa walked towards them, reaching out his arms.

"Nagisa-" They spoke, simultaneously as they hugged him so tight he almost struggled to breathe.

"Yeah, I'm back." He said, eyes filled with tears.

"We missed you so so much. What happened? Where were you? Are you okay?" Irina and Karasuma asked, tearing up despite efforts to hold it in.

Nagisa explained everything, just as he did with Karma last night.

"That damn reaper!" Karasuma said, enraged as he slammed his hand on the side of the sofa.

"So because you escaped does that mean he's going to come looking for you?" Karma said, slightly worried. His head was clearer than it was last night so he was actually taking everything in this time. 

"Hmmm...maybe." Don't get to worried. I mean nothing has happened yet and you would think if he really wanted me back he would have me by now.

"You're right. The reaper is one to get what he wants as soon as he wants it. That's what makes him so formidable, he doesn't waste any time." Karasuma said.

"Karma I want you and Nagisa to stay together at all times. If the reaper is coming for Nagisa he might target us first, as we're the professionals." Irina said.

"Yeah, I'll have this place's security raised even more. We might even stay at a friend's just so he doesn't know where to find us. It gives us more time if he is coming to look for Nagisa." Karma said, his arm wrapped around Nagisa.

Nagisa nodded.

"Okay good. I'll hire some assassins to look for the reaper. From the information Nagisa gave about his escape. We know that he's past Kyoto and there's that abandoned village Nagisa spoke about so we can use that as a land mark to know if we're on the right track." Karasuma said.

They both left around an hour later, after going over some signals and other things they will use to communicate for now.

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