Chapter 5: Grisha Yeager

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*Ding Dong*

"Who on earth is ringing my doorbell now. Better not be them kids doing knock down ginger again." Grisha said to himself as he made his way out of the garden shed.

He made his way inside the house to answer the door. He looked through the letter box only to see a policeman standing out front.

"What now?!" He thought. 

He grabbed a jacket as he was in his pyjamas and quickly put it on before opening the door. 

"Afternoon sir, are you Grisha Yeager?" The policeman asked.

"Yes, and you are?"

"My name is Fugaku Uchiha. I'm the police force deputy. I actually have a young man with me today who goes by the name of Nagisa, he says he is your nephew."

Grisha pulled the flung the door open completely and to his surprise Nagisa was standing right beside the policeman with his head down.

"Ahh Nagisa it's been years, how have you been. Please both of you come inside. I'll make you both a cup of tea." Grisha said ecstatically.

Before either of them could say a word Grisha was already down the hall outside his front room door.

"Ah guess it won't hurt, Nagisa are you alright to come inside?" Fugaku asked.


Nagisa and Fugaku sat around a big oak table in the centre of the dining room. They watched mountains of tea bags fall all over the Kitchen as Grisha opened a huge wooden cupboard.

"Do you need help picking those up?" Fugaku asked kindly.

"Nono it's fine, I just bought a lot of PG Tips tea bags when I took a trip to England last summer. I'll pick them all up in a second. Let me just get the water boiling."

Grisha started picking the teabags up while the water boiled. Nagisa and Fugaku engaged in their own conversation while he was doing so. When he finally finished he put the teabags in with some sugar and milk of course and brought them over while he took his own seat around the dining table.

"Okay so what brings you here today?" He said to the officer, with a serious expression.

"Well over the past 6 months Nagisa has been through some tragic events. Firstly, three months ago his father was murdered and we still haven't found out who was responsible however the Chief himself, Soichiro Yagami, whom Nagisa and his mother spoke with personally is currently handling the case." Fugaku explained, while keeping an eye on Nagisa to make sure he was alright with this topic being spoken about.

"My brother Armin was murdered?" Grisha said with a shocked expression.

"Yes, I thought you would have been aware of it? You are in contact with the family are you not?" 

"Yes, but this is the first time I'm hearing about this. Well that is quite inconsiderate of them."

The policeman and Grisha carried on speaking while Nagisa was sipping his tea paying very close attention in case anything he didn't know about was mentioned. Fugaku explained how Nagisa's mother is nowhere to be found as of earlier today so if it's okay the police would like Nagisa to stay with Grisha for the time being.

"Ah yes, I understand." Grisha said. "Well this must have all been very tragic and a lot to handle for you Nagisa. Please make yourself at home. You didn't deserve any of this happening to you so the least I can do is let you stay with me." 

"Thank you." Nagisa said with a smile.

"Alright, I'll leave now and Nagisa if you ever need to be in contact or if your mother shows up please give the police a call and say you wish to speak to Fugaku Uchiha." He explained.

Nagisa nodded as usual.

The policeman left at around seven thirty in the evening and Grisha showed Nagisa around the house asking him questions like, what cereal he eats and what his favourite snacks are. He really was trying to make Nagisa feel at home. Later that night they watched a scary film before Grisha ended up going to bed. He usually goes to sleep quite early so he did his best to stay up with Nagisa as long as he could.

Before Nagisa went to sleep he messaged Karma telling him everything that has happened and he will try and see him tomorrow if he isn't busy doing anything with Grisha.

The next day Nagisa woke up and saw Karma as promised. He spent the day with him just talking and chilling while Grisha went to buy Nagisa some snacks and stuff from the nearest superstore.

Karma was glad to see Nagisa was doing alright. It seemed like this Grisha person was so nice to him that Nagisa had forgotten all about his mother disappearing. In fact he didn't even mention it once to Karma the whole day.

Nagisa and Karma said their goodbyes and made their way home at around nine thirty that night. When Nagisa got to his uncle's house he used the spare key Grisha gave him so he could let himself in. There was a note next to the coat hangers with a list of things his uncle had brought him today, just mostly chocolates and sweets. Some of this stuff he had never heard of. Like what on earth are blackcurrant flavoured Chewits. 

His uncle was already asleep so Nagisa just made one of them delicious tea's his uncle had made for him when he first arrived and then went up to his room. He texted Karma for a bit as usual just before he went to bed.

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