Chapter 4: Dead or Alive?

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Today was the last day of school before the second semester. Nagisa was bored out his mind during the whole of the last lesson that day, it was science after all and once again they learning about elements and compounds and stuff. He couldn't wait to get home, his mum had been so relaxed for the past three months that he was hoping she would let him stay at Karma's, for a few days at least. 

The school bell finally rang and the class was dismissed. Everyone got up from their desks and made their way out of the classroom. Karma had already told Nagisa he was going to walk home with him because after all if his mum made him stay at home for the whole semester he wouldn't get to see him for a few weeks minimum. 

"Hey, Nagisa so you really think your mum's just gonna let you stay at mine? I mean every time I've seen her she just seems so 'overprotective'."

"Yeah, I know but she's just been so different for the past few months, I mean I don't even see her at all for the first few hours of me coming home after school. Normally as soon as I would open the door she would be standing there with loads of gowns and dresses and stuff. in her hands."

"Trust me I can only imagine." Karma said rolling his eyes. "I bet you look cute in a gown though, how about Dolce & Gabbana?" He said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Karma shush, plus my mum could sell our whole house and still not afford one of them gowns. If anyone ever got me one of them I might actually have to wear it." Nagisa laughed.

The boys were finally around the corner from Nagisa's house. 

"Hey Karma, wait."

"What is it?"

"Well you see it's just today marks 3 months since my father died and I'm really scared that something's happened, you know when you just have that feeling?"

"Yeah I understand, don't worry though I don't see any police cars or anything it should be fine."

"Yeah, you're right." Nagisa spoke with a gentle smile.

Karma was right, when they turned the corner there was indeed no police cars. Everything looked normal, maybe he was just overthinking again as usual. He approached his house and took his key out of a small pocket on the inside of his blazer. He pushed it in the lock and turned it. Karma was waiting patiently just at the bottom of the road as they agreed if Nagisa's mum said he can stay at Karma's then they may as well walk there together.

Nagisa took off his shoes as usual and hung up his coat. Instead of going to his room as usual he went upstairs to knock on his mothers door to ask straight away, he didn't want to keep Karma waiting too long though he probably didn't mind too much.

*Knock* *Knock*

No answer.

*Knock* *Knock*

No answer.

Hmm.. what is she doing in there, sleeping? Maybe that's why she hasn't been bothering Nagisa lately after all he's never actually checked. He was just so happy to actually have time to himself. He made his way back downstairs to tell Karma he thinks his mum's asleep so he may as well just make his way home on his own and he will call him tomorrow if he can.

As he made his way down the stairs he noticed that his coat was the only one on the hooks. Same with the shoes on the rack. Maybe she went out? Hm... he made his way back upstairs and opened his mothers door, trying to hurry up now as he had already kept Karma waiting for five minutes, a lot longer than he planned to.

He turned the door nob and pushed the door open slowly. To his shock the room was in a complete state. I mean he hadn't seen the inside of his mum's bedroom for months but still no way someone as neat and tidy as her would be living like this. He knew she was a bit crazy but still.

He walked outside and called to Karma, who came running over shortly after.

"What's up? Did she say yeah?"

"Well actually she isn't here." Nagisa explained to his friend.

"What do you mean?" 

"Like, she isn't here and I checked her room and it's in a complete state maybe something did happen."

Nagisa's eyes filled with worry as Karma called the police just so they could run a quick investigation inside the house while Nagisa continuously tried to call his mother. Each time the call ended with no answer. The police said they didn't find anything suspicious and all the other rooms looked completely ordinary to them so there wasn't really any need to assume the worst yet. Even so they will continue to investigate for a few days.

"Let us know if you get in contact with her." One of the policemen said to Nagisa.

Nagisa nodded

"Anyways, Nagisa we need to get you somewhere. At least for now. Do you have any other relatives? We can't really leave you with a non-family member yet as we still don't know where your mother is and we would need to go through a decent amount of paperwork." The policeman explained to Nagisa.

"Yeah I understand, well I have an uncle who lives not to far and Karma was just on his way home now anyways so we can give him a lift on the way." Nagisa said.

"Do you know the address of this uncle's house?" The man asked.

"Number nine, Shiganshina lane. About 15 minutes from here." Nagisa replied.

The policeman drove Nagisa to his uncle's house, dropping Karma off on the way as requested of course.

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