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It wasn't until he woke up on the hard, cold concrete floor is when he realized that this was a bad idea and he shouldn't have went here, but he couldn't do anything now as he was practically paralyzed and drenched in his own blood.

His eyes were swollen shut and it became a challenge to breath, if someone were to come in they would think he was dead, left to rot as no one cared about the boy anymore.

Suddenly there was a weigh on his back, crushing his lungs as he stayed still, only silently pleading for help.

"Thought I was done with you?" the all too familiar voice sent shivers down his spine as that voice was the cause of him helplessly laying in the blood stained floor.

"Not gonna answer? That's alright" he felt a hand grab a fistful of his hair, back arching in a dangerous position.

After that everything seemed to be a blur the last thing he remembered was his head falling lifelessly on the ground, bleeding as if he hadn't bled enough.


He wanted to scream his heart out, seeing Taehyung's loved ones huddled around him as broken and muffled sobs escaped their shut lips and tears rolling over the dried ones whenever they looked at the boy who used to have golden skin now tainted in black and blue marks and covered in gauze.

They all cried as memories pilled up in their minds, all thinking the same thing 'This is my fault, I could have saved him if I hadn't done this and that' Although only one person knew the real reason the innocent boy was laying in a hospital bed, yet to wake up.

And that person was Jungkook, he knew Taehyung came looking for them, He knew that none of this would happen if he was home-

Wait...Jimin must've also been away if Taehyung came looking alone, so Jungkook wasn't the one to blame it was that lying cheating bastard.

He wasn't even here to see his soulmates condition, that was a lie, Jungkook knew very well why the blond wasn't here.

He hadn't informed him and whenever their friends would ask why he wasn't present he would always say that he came earlier than them.

He sounded like a jerk for doing this but it was the only way to protect both his and Taehyungs heart from shattering completely.

'Its his fault Taehyungie is like this, we were happy before he showed up and shoved problems down our throat, I hate you Park Jimin...' that was the last straw before their string weakened, only only barely holding on as Jimin still had love for the two boys but with Jungkook manipulating his own heart and mind into thinking he hated Jimin and the said boy losing his will to go on their bond grew thinner and thinner until it was almost invisible.


Amidst all that was happening another boy was happy as he laughed and enjoyed the day with his boyfriends, laying on the grass in the park while each of their parents took care of their daughter.

Although the boy was happy he knew something was wrong, he didn't know what but ever since he woke up the other day he started hearing voices.

What's weirder is that they seemed to be coming from the sky and when he asked if anyone else could hear them they would just ignore him.

It confused him deeply but ignored it as he couldn't bare the thought if giving any of this up.

As they giggled amongst themselves he heard the voices again, but this time it wasn't the lovely familiar voice but it were sobs.

He often heard the voice crying as he or she told stories, he didn't actually listen to these stories as the voice was awfully faint.

But today it was unbearably loud, as if tons of people surrounded him and were just crying, he didn't know what this meant but let it slide when he saw Jimin and Jungkook staring at him.


follow me on twitter @jamlesschimochi Ill start uploading small parts of chapters there, uploaded or not they would be there so if you want to get a few glimpse in vminkooks life that aren't mentioned in the chapters here the I suggest you follow me on there, as of now there isn't anything uploaded yet but Ill try uploading them in a bit.

And it would be nice if you guys started commenting, I dont really care about the votes but I do appreciate  if you took a few minutes of your time to show support and feedback on this story, may it be negative or positive I would appreciate it since I work on these chapters for days, sacrificing my time that I should be doing school work just to get these up for you guys.

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