Bad days

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It was a new day, not exactly such a peaceful one at that. The fiance's had quite the quarrel, Jungkook having been in a bad mood the minute he woke up, making Taehyung gradually get annoyed by his childish behavior.

"Look Jungkook! I cant always know what your feeling! So its either you tell me what's bothering you or you deal with your emotions yourself" Jungkook knew Taehyung was stressed, it was something he often tried to hide but the younger knew better and he just wanted to help but ended up annoyed that he hasn't gotten much work done and falling into little space with no one to care for his metal state since Taehyung had long been passed out beside him, forcing him to sleep it off and wake up in such a cranky mood.

"Taehyung I have just about had it woth you! Just cause you don't go through little space doesn't mean I can't have bad days!" He was annoyed, truly and utterly annoyed. Jungkook was acting immature with bottling up his feelings, and Taehyung has had enough, they were supposed to be a team but here they were fighting just cause Jungkook refused to say what was bothering him.

"Taehyung why don't you go on ahead to work, I'll just work from home today" he tried to disagree but the younger would just ignore his attempts of compromise.

In the end he just ended up leaving, tired and drained on his way to work.

While Taehyung headed to work, Jungkook on the other hand woke Yoona up so she could get ready for school.

"Dada where's Appa?" The innocent little girl asks, unaware of the earlier events "Appa went to work earlier today. Now why dont you go on ahead and brush your teeth, I'll ready your bath"

The girl did as she was told, but not before giving her beloved Dada a kiss on the cheek, not aware of how that small action brightened his day.


He had already dropped Yoona off at school and was now making lunch, well at least he considers three packs of ramen 'lunch'.

*Ting* *Ting*

He really needed to pick that up, his phone had been ringing and blowing up with notifications since the clock pointed 1:00pm.

It was starting to get annoying, hearing that 'ting' every few seconds.

Checking what was making his phone erupt with sounds was such a hassle, there were Yoona's toys scattered all over the place, along with shoes his two other house mates didn't even bother to put away.

This was what they usually hid from their picture perfect life. Arguing from time to time, the house being such a mess, these were just a few of what they so call 'flaws' in starting a family.

Finally he saw what made his phone blow up, it was one of his favorite amateur photographers on instagram, his work was just absolutely fantastic that Jungkook had typed over 100 different messages on hiring the photographer, only to delete them again.

Much to Jungkooks surprise the commotion was about him being accepted into the company he applied in, 'Right he recently moved to Seoul' the young adult remembered, scrolling some more on the photographers page, liking pictures from time to time.

He had taken into note that he spent too much time lounging about, I mean what do you even do when your at home, free to do anything you want.

That being said he made his way into the office, settling down on his white organized desk. Opening his laptop to documents upon documents meeting his eyes. A sigh leaves his chapped lips, stained with the taste of his still piping hot coffee.

He cracks his knuckles then proceeds to get to work, taking small breaks to munch on his noodles and check his socials for updates.

It was already dark out when he finished most of his work, feeling exhausted as he stretches, hearing his bones cracking as they released tension from his aching limbs.

Yoona had long been passed out on the couch in the couple's office. Jungkook picking her up from daycare hours before.

He could hear a car engine roaring before dying out in the garage, the sound of keys dangling replacing the sound.

He shuts his laptop just in time as the office door creaks open, his soon to be husband's head peaking in.
"Hi, sorry about this morning I was just so-"

"I get it I was just tired, sorry" Giving each other an apologetic peck on the lips, the tension from the fight disappearing and replaced by a much more calm feeling.

The couple proceeded to carry Yoona up into her room and tuck her in before calling it a day and falling into deep slumber.
I am so sorry for the long wait. I said that it would be published a couple days ago but my sleep schedule got really crazy and with school its just been hard.

I've also had quite the challenge with this chapter. Again I apologise for the long wait

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