Missing you

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Jimin kept tossing and turning ever since he laid down on the guest bed that the maids had prepared for him prior to his arrival.

He ended up laying on his back while staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

His throat felt itchy so he decided to get himself a glass of water to drink, he took his phone from the nightstand and made his way to the kitchen.

While he was pouring himself some water his phone lit up, showing his lockscreen.

It was the three of them with Jungkook in the middle as he held Yoona in his arms, he stared at his phone for a few more seconds before he felt water fall onto his foot, he had managed to spill water everywhere.

He quickly took a cloth to wipe up the mess he made, his hand doing the cleaning while his mind wondered off into space.

Once he finished cleaning he took the glass of water in one hand and his phone on the other as he climbed up the staircase, going into the guest bedroom where he would be staying for a few days.

"I miss you guys"


Meanwhile both Jungkook and Taehyung were busy baking cookies as they had no other thing to do since they couldn't sleep.

They were covered in flour and so was the kitchen floor but they didn't mind as long as they were distracted from the one person they tried to forget but just cant.

"Hey Tae? do you think Jimin is asleep by now?" the question caught Taehyung off guard but tried his best not to show it to the younger.

"I'm not sure kook, hey why don't you go and get us some thing to clean this up" the younger boy thankfully obliged, giving Taehyung much needed time to think things through so he could fix whatever was going on.

"Hey Tae your phone was ringing-" Jungkook got cut off by a knock on the front door.

"Kook, get 911 on speed dial. I'll go open the door" They both do their tasks, Jungkook watching wearily as Taehyung crept closer to the door.

"Who is it?" No response.

He put his eye on the peep hole, seeing someone he didn't expect to see in the middle of the night.

He quickly opens the door and ushered the person inside "Park Jimin, get inside! What if someone hurt you while you were outside"

Jungkook perks up at the name then ran over to the pair, leaving his phone  on the counter.

"Did you walk all the way here? That's a 3 hour walk" Jungkook curiously and worriedly asked.

"I took a cab here. I'm sorry I just- nevermind, I'm sorry for disturbing you guy's sleep I'll get going now" Just as he was about to leave Taehyung grabs him by the arm "Wait! I mean you've come all the way here, you can stay the night"

He looked hesitant but gave a little nod nonetheless "Great I'll uh get the bed ready or do you want to sleep in the guest bedroom?" Jungkook prayed that Jimin would dismiss the idea of sleeping in the spare room.

"You don't need to have the trouble of fixing the guest bedroom, I'll just sleep on the couch" He knew that they didn't need to fix anything in the guest bedroom since he himself was the one who fixed it, he just couldn't break down his pride for wanting to sleep with them although that's what he came here for.

"You can always sleep with us you know" Taehyung on the other hand just can't stand the thought of them all being under the same roof but not in the same bed.

"Yeah, Taehyung's right it could get pretty chilly here and we don't have spare blankets right now" even if Jungkook had to lie just to convince Jimin he would do it. While knowing there were stacks upon stacks of blankets in the closet Jimin still agreed to sleep in their shared room since he ad taken notice that even Jungkook was lying just so he could sleep with them.

"Ok then if you insist"

Jimin was the first to go upstairs while the other two were left behind to clean their mess in the kitchen and to take out the almost burnt cookies.

"Eww! this tastes horrible, we left them in the oven for too long" Taehyung chuckles at the younger boy who very excitedly taste tested the half burnt cookies.

"They would taste better if you had set the timer like I told you to" the two started to bicker while Jimin secretly watched from the top of the staircase, quietly laughing to himself.

He suddenly slipped from too much laughing and fell down the stairs, knocking him out cold.


"How did it even happen?"

"I don't know, I was with you the whole time!"

"Quiet! he's waking up"

Jimin slowly opened his eyes to adjust to the bright light 'am I in heaven?' he carefully sat up as he took in his surroundings.

"Hey chim, you hit your head when you fell downstairs which caused you to pass out" a voice from his right speaks up.

"You hit you head pretty hard, how are you feeling?" he looked to his sides to see the most beautiful people he has ever seen, Jungkook and Taehyung.

He pinched himself to see if he was dreaming or not, it hurt 'Nope not in heaven but it sure looks like it' He thought as he stared at both his soulmates.

"Chim? are you ok? how are you feeling?" he snaps out of his thoughts to the deep voice ringing in his ear "Huh? yeah I'm ok, just a headache but its fine"

He tries to get out of bed but got pushed down by two pairs of arms "You need to rest, if it makes you comfortable Tae and I will leave"

"No wait! stay, please I missed you guys"

"We missed you too"

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