First day

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Feet tapping on the floor, lip being munched by teeth, hands fiddling with a camera, to say he was nervous was an understatement. If there were a better word to describe how he felt right now that would be great. His supposedly amazing day wasn't exactly living up to its name.

He was currently standing in front of a massive building, once again a nervous mess. People walked pass him, either entering the structure or simply passing by. He could easily say that about a thousand people has passed him but yet he remained, still and statue like that he got a few weird glances. Hell he wasn't even sure he was breathing himself.

But he had to snap out of it, if he wasn't gonna go in now he would be replaced faster than he could blink. That thought in mind, his feet shakily takes strides into the building, thoughts running wild with every step he took.

He felt heavier and heavier each step he took, almost like brick upon brick was being placed on him, but that all washed away once he reached the front desk.

"Good morning sir, what can I be of help with?" He explained his situation and that he was the new photographer. The lady welcomed him to the company and gave him directions to where he would be working. Apparently he had to go to the Human Resources department where he would begin his training. He thanked the lady then continued his journey throughout the building, getting lost a good couple times but finally reaching his destination.

Jimin was met with two large glass doors where he could see his soon to be co-workers were already beginning their tasks. Nervously his sweaty palms reached over to open the door, his hand shivering from the cold metal handle.

Almost immediately all eyes were on him, leaving curious glances then going back to work. Never in his life did he feel so thankful once he saw someone waving him to go over. Soon he found out that the guy waving him over was the Manager of The Human Resources department and he was also the one supervising their training.

"You must be Park Jimin, pleasured to meet you. Take a seat, we would start once everyone has arrived" He did as he was told and chose a random seat, he could care less about who he sat next to, as long as he got work done.

In only a couple minutes the room was filled with men and women who looked equally as nervous as him, truthfully he was thankful that he wasn't the only one.

"Hello everybody, Each of you would be assigned different tasks  but first we need to go over the rules and regulations if you are to be working here. Oh and Remember don't be too nervous, its only the first day"


His first day ended in a tiring flash, everyone was dashing all over the place, eager to finish whatever they were told to do. Now he was back home, eyes just barely opened as he laid their on the couch. His muscle's ached from all the moving, which reminded him to check out the gym he passed on the way home.

He tried to get up but he was simply too tired to even move, so he laid there, still in business casual clothes that are drenched in sweat. Although the first day left him drained, it was worth it, the thrill of it all gave him motivation to keep going even if this was what he did everyday when he got home.

Finally his eyes fluttered shut and soft snores could be heard.


Meanwhile Taehyung and Jungkook were still stuck in the office, working so hard they hadn't even noticed that they were the only one's left in the building. "Jungkook-ah, come on lets just finish these tomorrow. I'm sure Hoseok hyung's already tired and Yoona is probably asleep" A very drained Jungkook looked up to meet his fiancé's eyes, quickly nodding at the thought of going home.

Taehyung takes note that Jungkook was most likely about to fall into little space so he quickly packs up and leads the sluggish Jungkook to the car where he passes out almost immediately. He can't help but stare at the younger beside him, in these small moments he felt his love for the younger grow even more as he relished in the lovely memories they shared, both with and without their past lover.

He forces himself to start the car before he got carried away and start to tear up again. He knew that if he continued to look back on their memories together he would remember things that weren't so pleasant and he really didn't want that so he focused on driving instead, looking forward to reaching home.

Soon enough he was pulling into their garage, thanking Hoseok as he carried Jungkook inside. Hoseok understood that they were tired so he quietly went home once the young couple reached their room.

"Bun, you need to change. Come on, up you go" He helped Jungkook sit up on the bed then changed him into some pajamas, leaving a kiss on his forehead before he washed up himself. He knew that his hyung probably already left so he just opted to lay in bed with his lover, in hopes of a good night sleep after a long day.


Surprise surprise double update! Recently the chapters have been ending with them sleeping and I tried to give them a different ending but since the story line is currently relaxed I had a really hard time changing it, so sleeping it is.

I've been gone for a while, the reason for my absence is because I've been working on these two chapters and trying to perfect them. I was also working on my other books so yeah.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, its kind of just a filler but I hope you guys still liked it <3

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