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Its been a week since he had his interview, his skin was itching to check his inbox every few seconds, in fear that he might have skipped a message.

He knew for a fact he was overreacting, which was why he was watching the sunset on the beach today. There were no people around as it was private property but he felt like there were thousands of people whispering different kinds of incoherent words all at once as the waves crashed onto the shore, this somehow calmed him down more, he felt an unexplainable sensation of calmness and relief.

Of course being the photographer he is, he took pictures of the sunset on his camera before the sun went down completely, going into the house to upload them onto the internet, interested on what his followers would say. Most of the time he uploads he reads each and every single critique and compliment, replying to as many as he can, but there's only so much a man in his twenties can do you know.

He was hesitant to click upload but did it anyway, excited yet anxious about what his followers would say. Lately his page was just full of sunset pictures so they might get tired of the same thing everytime. Luckily for him his followers were grateful for everything he posted, even if it was the same thing for the past 2 weeks.

While scrolling through social media for inspiration, he accidentally tapped on a notification pop up, a groan escaping his lips at the annoying accidental tap. Attempting to press the home button his eye caught something in the long sea of sentences. "You can start tomorrow" he read aloud with watery eyes and shaking hands.

A scream broke through the calming silence like scissors and paper.

Park Jimin was officially freaking out.

"Oh my god! OH MY GOD! I start tomorrow! I START TOMORROW! Jesus, I need to tell mom the great news!" A hand crept its way back on the kitchen counter, grabbing the black phone to call Mrs. Park.

*Ring* *Ring*

Hi honey, why are you calling?
Are you alright?

Hi Mom! I've got some great news, I got the job!

That's amazing! When do you start?

Tomorrow, to be honest I'm kinda nervous

Its perfectly normal to be nervous for the first day. Now go get some rest and we'll talk when you get home from work tomorrow.

Okay mom, bye your the best


Jimin exited the phone app, clicking a food delivery app instead. His stomach grumbled in agreement that it was time to eat. There were plenty of options to choose from but he decided to go with tteokboki. A simple dinner would be able to do him some justice.

The meal arrived only 5 minutes later, which impressed Jimin but it quickly slipped his mind once the smell of the spicy savory tteokboki filled the air. He had missed this, the tteokboki they had at the states were frozen ones that you had to thaw out and boil, definitely the ones here in Korea were number one.

They were delicious and his tastes buds screamed in joy at the delicious flavor and spicy sting the food made. Jimin definitely made the right choice ordering tteokboki.

He was enjoying his dinner while watching some of his favorite tv shows on his laptop when suddenly a wave of notifications started to pop up and his phone started to ping. Comment upon comment started to pour down, bringing a smile to his face as he took turns scrolling and eating. He had to admit that this had been one of the best days he had ever since he came to Korea, it was nice and relaxing, definitely deserves the 'Best day' title.

In between the flood of comments, a DM request in his notifications catches his attention. It made him wonder what the person had to say. But as he was about to take a scoop from his tteokboki he found that it was already empty, this made him refocus his attention to the now empty container of tteokboki. In the midst of placing his phone down, his finger brushes on the DM request without him noticing, unwillingly opening the chat box and giving hope to the stranger that he 'read' the message.

Finally it was time for bed, he had finished editing a few pictures then plopped down onto the soft King sized bed, feeling the mattress swallow him whole as his body went into full relaxation. A sweet content sigh left his lips, happy that he lived to feel this perfect day. Although it being relatively simple, it truly was a time to be alive.

A lazy arm reached up on the nightstand to grab a phone covered in a black case. Opening it to find that it was immediately on the chat part of Instagram. Bewildered, his eyes scan for whatever was on the screen, catching the same person who had sent him a message request.

He quickly realized that he must have accidentally pressed something to take him onto the chat box . He paid no mind to it, well that was until he read the actual message.

The stranger was praising him for his amazing talent to capture even the tiniest detail. But it soon went on about asking if he had wanted a Job at, He has heard of it from the countless times he had searched for jobs on the internet. Jimin also knew that this was an offer that only a fool would pass up, maybe just maybe Jimin was that fool as he typed his reply.

Hello, I'm a big fan of your work. It's amazing how you could capture such detail. I also wanted to let you know that I am the Co-owner of and would be delighted if you joined hands with us. With your talent I can assure you a good position and a negotiable salary if you are willing to Join our Company.

Hi, Thank you for the support! :)
I would love to take your offer but I had just been accepted into a Company. I'll be sure to contact you if things don't go as planned. Thank you, have a nice day

Jimin wasn't really sure if he had made the right choice by turning down that offer but he decided to follow what he had said anyways. Starting small was better for him to practice, if he had quickly agreed to join the big company then they might be disappointed by the lack of skill. If they were still willing to hire him once he's confident enough then maybe he would reconsider, but for now laying low sounds like the better option.

At the end he found himself snuggling into the comfort of his bed as night began progress. Falling into a deep sleep as he dreamt about the wonderful day ahead.

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