(Ouran highschool)☁Haruhi x Fem!Reader

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"Well, my grandmother isn't too keen on may for stuff like that, so I'm kind of poor," Y/n smiled nervesly.


After father left, he took my older sister and all the money with him to who knows where. Leaving me and my mother in poverty, till my grandmother on my father's side came by and started supporting us. Course she didn't do this out of the kindness of her heart for her family, she wanted to raise and groom me to be a perfect bride for another wealthy family. So we may leave better lives, she is only paying just enough to rely on her. 


With a soft smile, Haruhi agreed to Y/n's straightforward request, so they quickly exchanged numbers to keep in touch. With a goodby Y/n skateboarded out of the music room, Kyoya came up with a serious look.

"Haruhi your next appointments are waiting, and handing out numbers isn't allowed," He said as he snatched Y/n's written phone number.

Haruhi sighed in relief when her phone pinged with a notification of a text. Turning her body so Kyoya couldn't see, it was a simple hello text form Y/n. Haruhi smiled as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.


(5 months later)

The two friends grew closer with each study session at Haruhi's house, and sometimes they would wonder the town together instead of study. Haruhi learned many neat things about her cross-dressing friend. How Y/n is a self-made rich student, who started her own company to have some independence from her Grandmother. Yet she had to keep it on the down-low or else her grandmother could just buy out the company.

Haruhi gained great respect for her for that reason, someone who made her wealth and wasn't born into it.  It was nice having a friend in Ouran who didn't see Haruhi as someone who is ignorant commoner cause of social class, or rudely comment about her not so lavish things.

The host club started to notice Haruhi's more chipper attitude lately, and they were very curious as to why. She would always look up at the clock every so often and appeared to be waiting for someone specific.

"Wonder who Haruhi waiting for?" Koaru wondered.

"Maybe Haruhi is waiting for her crush or something?" Honey suggested.

"Wait what?!" Tamaki gasped in horror.

Suddenly the music door room opened and the other cross-dressing student rushed in. Tamaki and the twins watch from a distance from behind the couch as they watched the two cross-dressers talked and laughed over some cake.

"Who is that guy?" Hikaro wondered as his heart twisted slighly.

"That is Y/n L/n, She and her mother is supported by the Tenshin family head. Her only connection is that she is the daughter of the oldest son, but  the parents divorced and know her and her mother live on the Tenshin's support," Kyoya explained.

"What does that mean?" Honey asked.

"It means the head is giving them money to live, and with out them. She and her mother would live in poverty, the lower class," Kyoya sighed.

"So She's a commoner like Haruhi, makes sense why they would get along," Kaoru said simply.

But hen the group looked back The two were gone. They gasped as they looked around till they noticed that the door to the club were wide open.


"So that's what happened to those guys. Wow they sure got guts sneaking onto a private beach like that. Sucks I couldn't be there, maybe I could have helped," Y/n sighed as the two sat on roof on a lone bench.

"It's alright, Tamaki would have just gotten mad at us for trying to fight off the boys, cause were girls," Haruhi sighed as she leaned slightly on her friend.

"Cause were girls. Wow maybe it's best he never said that too me, Or else I would have kicked him were the sun don't shine," Y/n laughed, " But I guess I could see where he's coming. Boys are just built stronger than girls. Though, know I know that these boys really care about you, which is good to hear,"

Y/n slowly leaned on Haruhi, as they watched the sun set behind the trees. Haruhi's cheeks pinked slightly as she felt Y/n's hand slowly hold hers.

"Umm, hey. My dad is going to bring home stuff to make a large dinner, so I was wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner?" Haruhi asked as she slowly tightened her grip on Y/n's hand.

"Don't you have a club party to be at tonight?" Y/n asked.

"Y-yeah, but, I just want to spend more time with you," Haruhi said wistfully.

"Alright, I'll pay double to make up for the time you were off. You gotta pay off that debt," Y/n smiled.

"Thank's Y/n... I love you," Haruhi smiled.

"I love you too," Y/n said rest her head on Haruhi's shoulder.


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