(Ouran highschool)☁Haruhi x Fem!Reader

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Requested by Yumi_Lasagna1

"Come on Y/n the host club will be fun. I set an appointment with a cute boy named Haruhi," Bella said as she dragged Y/n to the music room.

"Fine, but can we make this quick, I wanted to try out my skateboard,"  Y/n groaned as Bella pushed open the doors.

Rose petals blew past them as multiple men stood waiting to greet them. Bella's face was a beet red, while Y/n just stood with an unimpressed face as she pulled out her phone. Bella quickly dragged her to a table with a cute looking boy with short brown hair and brown eyes. Bella babbled away with the "boy" Haruhi, while Y/n just mindlessly poked her cake.

"Bella oh I'm sorry I have to cut my appointment short my Father came early, but have fun talking with Y/n," Bella said as she dashed out of the club room.

"Wait, what?!" Y/n asked as she looked up from her phone.

The two sat in awkward silence, till Y/n spoke up.

"So Haruhi, why are you apart of a boys host club when you're a girl?" Y/n asked bluntly.

Haruhi just stared in shock, She stuttered as she tried to come up with some excuse.

" if it's a touchy topic you don't have to answer, I could just leave," Y/n suggested.

"No, no it's fine. I'm surprised you were able to pick up on that so fast," Haruhi laughed nervesly.

"I can tell when another girl is in a boys uniform, just have sharp instincts. Don't worry I like the boys uniform too," Y/n smiled as she leaned back in her seat.

"You wearing the males uniform cause you like it?" Haruhi asked.

"Yeah, I think the girl uniforms look terrible," Y/n whispered with a giggle, " What about you?"

With a sigh, Haruhi recapped how she got into this club, what she had to put up with, and all the crazy adventures up till this point. Y/n listened closely as she took in all of Haruhi's stories and mini-rant tangents, all with a kind smile.

"Wow, sounds like you've had a crazy month, but damn eight million yen that's crazy," Y/n gasped as she put down her coffee.

"I know and there were some times they threatened to reveal my secret and put me back down to errand boy, or the dog they would call me," Haruhi sighed as she rested her arms on the table.

"Man if they called me a dog I would tell them where they could stick that coffee," Y/n said as she took a bite of her cake.

"I wish I had the guts to say stuff like that, but I'd rather not draw attention to myself and maintain my grades," Haruki chuckled.

"Oh yeah, you got in through scholarly recommendations right?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, I didn't come from a rich well-off family. I got in cause I scored really well in the entrance exam," Harui explained.

"Sweet, hey could you like tutor me in this history class?" Y/n asked slowly.

"Tutor, can't you hire some personal tutors? I mean a lot of the other students hire personal tutors," Haruhi said in slight shock.

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