💔(demon Slayr)Tanjiro x reader

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Requested by -oxijin-

I shouldn't have left that day, why was I such a fool?


Tanjiro was a very talented demon slayer, always growing and improving. What not many knew was that when he did come of age. He found a wife at that time, a girl that also lived in the same mountains. She and her family were the lucky people who were not attacked but decided to leave for the towns and cities to avoid demons.

Tanjiro was saddened when another family left the mountains, leaving his own even more, alone in the forest. Till one day, he found her again in a town where one of his missions was.

"Tanjiro?" a familiar voice called to him.

Tanjiro turned to see a face he thought he would never see again. " Y/n," he smiled as he tried to weave through the crowd.

The two took some time to catch up and what had happened over the years. The two's old flame was restored at that moment, Y/n was surprisingly excepting of Nezukou. She made a spare room for her in her house, when they needed a place to rest.

Their love grew deeper and sweeter, till one day Tanjiro decided he had to claim Y/n as his wife before any other man could. The ceremony was a small and private one, only a few people came to the celebration.

Their relationship was surprisingly good, for Tanjiro still had his demon-slaying duties to attend to. So many times he has to leave for towns far away from home, yet Y/n would wait patiently for him and his sisters to return. Though as of late, he was home more often as his first child was on his way.


One day, Tanjiro and Y/n were simply relaxing under a tree. Tanjiro looking lovingly at his wife and the baby soon on its way. Then suddenly, his crow messenger arrived. Sadly it had a horrible message from a demon. The demon threatened to take away the friends that he loved if he doesn't come to stop him.

Tanjiro fearing for all his friends of the demon slayer core. He told Y/n what was happening, so she quickly made him a meal to take with him. Wishing him the best of like and to hurry and save his friends.


After a long hard battle, Tanjiro pinned the demon down, his sword pointed at its neck. Yet the demon smirked, this demon wasn't upper moon powerful, but definitely could have made the lower moon. 

"Why are you doing this, why threaten me specifically?" Tanjiro interrogated.

"You took... from me," The demon growled.

"I don't believe I have, I would never steal," Tanjiro said.

"I loved... her so long. Then you come and take her from me," The demon said.

"What are you talking about?" Tanjiro slowly becoming worried for the demon.

"I was a weak human, she was the only one who took pity for me. When all other humans would turn their gaze from me. A sickly homeless human boy, but...He gave me power. I was no longer weak and could pursue her. 

Yet you came and took her from me. Sweet...Beautiful Y/n," The demon said slowly.

Tanjiro's hold on his sword tightened as the demon continued. " So I refuse to see her with anyone else, so I'll steal her away from you and any other human. And I already have," The demon smiled evilly.

Before Tanjiro could ask what he meant, or even what he had done Inosuke quickly slew the demon. Before Anyone could ask, Tanjiro quickly journeyed back to his home, to check on Y/n. He didn't stop to rest till Y/n was finally safe in his arms.

But as he approached Y/n's home, he could smell it, the smell of blood. He rushed inside to see a horrifying, yet sadly familiar sight.  There on the ground was a bloodied corpse of his wife and next to her was a mangled body of a baby.

Tanjiro fell to his knees as tears flowed from his eyes, slowly hugged Y/n close to him. Even if her body was so cold to the touch, and slowly brought the baby close too. The demon had taken what was most precious to him.

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