(Demon Slayer)☁Nezuko X Demon!Fem!Reader

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Requested by Yumi_Lasagna1

It's hard being a demon in this world, having to restrain my evil urges, just to live peacefully. If I were to step out of line it would be the end of me. So to help with my urges I ate my fellow demons along with cattle, well I try not to eat too many demons, too much will make it harder for me to keep my sanity in control. They were abundant in the mountains, so I moved to the base of the mountain. I remember a nice family near the top, and I've seen them from time to time. I believe their name was the Kamado Family, lots of children, and a widowed mother. Reminded me a lot like my family, except my father was a demon and my mother was human, but one day they were killed by a demon many called Muzan.

 I've encountered them from time to time, and the one I remember the most was a girl named Nezuko. She for some reason would always be happy to see me when we crossed paths. I would give her some of my catch and she would trade with charcoal and peaches. Maybe that's why she liked me and even asked me to stay over at her home from time to time when it was almost dark.

"Its almost dark Y/n, please stay the night at my house?" Nezuko begged as she held my hands.

"I don't wish to intrude," I said nervesly.

"It will be fine, mother wouldn't want you to get hurt from the demons," Nezuko insisted.

That became more frequent when I started to get more injured each time I showed up, but there I meet her family and her older brother Tanjirou, I believe. He seemed suspicious of me when I can over, but was kind none the less. 

Sadly this wouldn't last for long when one day.

"Well..umm Thank you for your hospitality," I thanked with a bow.

"C-can I walk her down the mountain?" Nezuko asked her mother.

"Alright, but be careful you two," Her mother called out.

As we traveled through the woods, I would just listen to Nezuko's ramblings and enjoy her company. When suddenly a lower-tier demon attacked. I quickly got in between her and the demon and tried to fight it off with my human strength. Nezuko was frozen in horror as the demon started to rip away at my skin.

"Nezuko listens, I'm going away and I'm not too sure I'll be the same the next time we meet," I said as I held back the demon.

"W-What are you talking about?" Nezuko asked nervesly.

"Be good, listen to your mother and brother, and thank you for everything Nezuko. For being my friend," I said as I let my demon side go wild.

I don't remember what happened after that, all I know is that when I came too. The demon was dismembered and Nazuko was long gone, her footprints lead back up the mountain. She was safe, but that was the last time I ever saw her, as I turned and left the mountain for good.
(5years later)

"There is a demon that keeps stalking around my house," Said a very angry swineherd.

"Did it hurt anyone?" Tanjiro asked.

"No worse it keeps coming in the night and stealing my pigs!" The man said in anger.

"Catch it and I'll pay you handsomely," The man said.

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