(Death Note) Yandere! Light x reader

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Requested by LeoTheArtest

(This was hard to write, Light was difficult to write and to stay in character. so sorry if it's bad)

My parents were always superstitious about many things, one thing I'm glad I followed. Was the Power of names. Now when I say power, I don't mean superpowers. More like a person's name has power over them, it's something not to be shared so freely.

Even though my name is Y/n, my parents don't address me as such in public or when people are over. Even though I am Y/n, in public I go by Avery. It's the same for me too if a person were to ask me for their name. Who would have thought that superstition was true when Kira appeared. People have been dropping dead left and right and all he needs was their name.

Now more than ever, I never share my true name, not with anyone. So many classmates of mine had written names of people on that awful website, hoping to kill people off. Even though I am aware that he kills only criminals, the manner in how he kills them becomes viler and viler. The last I remember murder was still murder, no matter who the victim is or how "saintly" your reasons may be.


There is something strange about this Light person. I mean we came from the same high school, but we never talked. So why is he suddenly so chatty with me so suddenly. I can't explain it, something is just not right about him.

As soon as class was over I wanted to get far away from him, but I should have been more careful when gathering my things.


"That Avery person is really odd," Light thought to himself.

But before he turned to leave, he noticed that they had forgotten their notebook. So being the grade A citizen he is, decided to try to return the book to them. Yet as he found them L or Rue Ryuzaki was talking to them. He slowly approached them just to hear what they were talking about. It seemed Ryuzaki was talking to them about Light and their thoughts.

"You seem very uncomfortable around them, Why is that? Is there a history between you two?" Ryuzaki asked.

"Oh, no. There is just something different about him today from the time in high school. He wasn't all that interested in social life before, maybe it's just the sudden shift that weirds me out slightly," Avery said, trying to make a convincing smile.

"No, no that's not it," Ryuzaki said as he moved in closer to them.

Avery moved slightly back was unbothered, this was seen as odd to Light. They seem calm and social to a weirdo to some like Ryuzaki but look at him as if he... were...

"Well maybe this whole mass killing thing has me paranoid, and any changes may have me on edge," Avery said simply, but before they continued they noticed Light's presence.

Avery immediately tensed and took a hesitant step back, both Ryuzaki and Light noticed yet decided not to comment. After Light Handed Avery their notebook, they quickly left in a hurry.


(a few days later)

"I don't know why you've called me here, Ryuzaki," Avery asked as they sat in a cafe not far from the university.

"I have a few questions for you, I think you may be helpful," Ryuzaki said as he ate his cake.

"Helpful how?" Avery asked.

"How would you feel, if I were to tell you I'm working to stop Kira?" Ryuzaki asked.

"I would feel concerned and wish you to be careful," Avery answered.

"Hmm, I see. So why are you so paranoid around Light?" Ryuzaki asked.

"Tell me Ryuzaki. Do you believe in superstitions?" Avery asked.

"superstitions?" Ryuzaki asked.

"Well, I can just feel something off about him. Something cold, and he's always followed by that shadow. It makes me wonder if the black book is back," Avery said.

"Black book, shadows, what does any of that mean?" Ryuzaki asked.

Avery would explain the story of the black book and how it would use the power of names to kill anyone.


(A few months later)

It turns out that Ryuzaki was actually working to stop Kira, just on a governmental level. So you could imagion how supprised I was when he called on me again at a highly secured building. Apperently he wanted a new angle on the case.

Light was there, but something different again. The shadow was gone and so was that the aura, and was acting like normally. I enjoyed this version of Light, he is kind, smart, strong morals, and thoughtful. We enjoyed the time together, and even tried to go on hang outs. Though I didn't mind that L joined us and being a third wheel.

Light found Avery more interesting to talk to than with Misa. They weren't love driven or obsessive like she was, they were calm and sweet. More of his pass, and it was nice having intellectual conversations, that didn't relate to Kira. They were definitely a sight for sore eyes and ears too.

Though, even with if L wasn't being a third wheel, Light didn't really have the to break the news to is admirer Misa. No matter how one-sided it may be, though a had a feeling Misa's love for him ran terrifyingly deep.


 So their relationship never further than admirers, but when L died. Killed by Kira, the shadow returned, and his odd behavior returned. When his memories returned and power rushing to his head, the second thing that came to mind was, Avery. 

'If I could open their mind to my idea's of a perfect world, then maybe they could rule by my side,' Kira Light though to himself.

Yet Avery was stubborn in there morals, so Kira would sent chilling messages in his kills. To intimidate Avery into submission, but Avery knew that Kira or light didn't know their true name. So they had to hold that close to them, or else their life will no longer be in their hands but Kira's.

So with a tough decision, Y/n knew that they must leave from Japan. 

And disappear. To stop Light Yagami. 

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