"H-Humans?!" She screeched.

"Yes. Do you have to be so loud?" Ratchet asked.

"Sorry. They just...scare me a little, I guess," she admitted.

"That's fine, but I can't stand here forever, I have work to do," Ratchet pointed out. "Besides, they're more friendly than what you're probably used to."

"I'm Raf," Rafael introduced himself with a smile. The bot slowly and cautiously approached the children, kneeling to get a better look at them.

"Aww! You're actually kinda cute!" The bot exclaimed with another crooked smile.

"I'm Jack Darby," Jack introduced himself coolly. The bot smiled warmly at him, but didn't get the chance to speak before Miko cut in.

"My name's Miko! What kind of car are you?! I mean, what do you transform into?! I bet you're a convertible, or maybe an ATV!" She wondered aloud. The bot's smile faltered, but only for a moment.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I don't even know my own name, let alone any transformations," she answered.

"You don't have a name?!" Miko shouted.

"No. Maybe you kids could give me one?" The bot responded.

It was about an hour later when a name was finally given to the bot. She and the kids were standing outside and looking around for cool rocks.

"I've never really seen the sun before..." the bot admitted.

"Yeah, just don't stare. The brightness'll burn your eyes out," Jack absentmindedly warned.

"It looks like it has arms," the bot pointed out.

"They're called sunbeams," Raf explained.

"Cool! I like that name!" The bot exclaimed before rushing back into the base.

"Hey, wait!" The kids called.

"I have a name!" The bot shouted as she entered the base, startling almost everyone. "It's super cool!"

"I think you'd like any name," Ratchet pointed out.

"Probably! I'm Sunbeam now!" She admitted. "Are there any games to play? I don't think kids would be able to play with that..." Sunbeam pointed at the giant ball of scraps.

"Video games...and a few board games," Raf replied.

"Okay! You kids pick a board game and Ratchet and I will play with you!" Sunbeam exclaimed.

"Why're you dragging me into this?!" Ratchet questioned.

"You insulted my new name. It's only fair," Sunbeam remarked.

"I didn't—" Ratchet started.

"Well, we're gonna continue our scouting mission, since it was interrupted. Have fun kids," Arcee decided aloud.

"I'm gonna join. We could cover more ground that way," Bulkhead caught on, leaving with Bumblebee and Arcee.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Ratchet questioned. The humans and Sunbeam looked at him expectantly, already having chosen a game to play.

"Looks like you're stuck with us!" Miko exclaimed. Ratchet glared at the exit ramp.

"I have the sneaking feeling that that was the idea," he retorted.

"Hey big blue guy! Wanna play with us?!" Sunbeam questioned. She didn't get an answer.

"He's not too talkative," Jack admitted.

"Hmph, well he could at least look at me," Sunbeam pouted.

"Don't be a child. That's their job," Ratchet said, pointing at the kids.

"So how do you play this?" Sunbeam asked.

"You role these dice, then move across the board. You have to try to have as much property and money as possible," Raf explained.

"Alright! Let's do it! Youngest first!" Sunbeam exclaimed, pointing to Raf. He rolled a seven and read a chance card, which insisted he pay Miko for her birthday.

Miko rolled a six and bought Central Avenue. She handed the di to Jack, who rolled an eleven. He bought St. Charles Place.

It was Sunbeam's first turn when the other players realized something important about their new friend. She rolled the di and moved seven spaces, picking up a chance card as she had recalled Raf doing.

"Um...it says....to pay the bank for...something," Sunbeam said.

"That's not what it says," Ratchet pointed out, reading the card over her shoulder.

"It's not?! Well that is news to me!" Sunbeam pretended to be shocked.

"Do you not know how to read?" Jack asked.

"Of course I know how to read, I just....can't see the words on this little card very well..." Sunbeam lied.

"Ratchet could read it, and he's larger than you...and farther away," Miko deadpanned. Sunbeam huffed.

"Fine...I never learned to read. I would've taught myself, but the thing about that is: you gotta be able to read in order to teach yourself something. So I was pretty much screwed," she admitted.

"I can teach you to read!" Raf exclaimed. "I helped teach my siblings, so I know a thing or two about teaching!"

"Okay! Hey big blue guy! I'm gonna learn to read!" Sunbeam shouted with a crooked grin. He just nodded in response. "Why're you ignoring me?!" She questioned, getting ready to fight. Ratchet sat her back down.

"Okay...let's not start fights on your first day...especially with teammates," Ratchet suggested.

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