Twenty: Lying Doesn't Make Friends (But Destroying Stuff Does...)

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"Man, it feels good to not be going to the same places all the time. We should do this more often," Sunbeam suggested as she stated at the sky, which seemed so much closer when laying on the back of a flying dragon.

"Preferably not," Predaking responded.

"That's just rude!" Sunbeam joked. "Hey, speakin' of...ya never told me what this is about?"

"I figured you already knew. We're going to steal the Tesseract from the Decepticons and destroy it. Besides, I would like to settle scores with Starscream. I would have invited my brethren, but with so few in number I could not risk their lives should something go wrong," Predaking explained.

"You really care about them, don't you?"

"Our multitude of life or death situations had made us closer, coupled with the endangerment of our species."

"It must be nice..."


"To belong somewhere, I mean..."

"You do not belong with the Autobots?"

"Promise you won't tell Ratchet this...?"

"Fine. I don't talk to him anyway."

"Right. Well, I ain't from your planet. I was made by humans. So, I don't really belong with anyone from Cybertron. But, I also don't belong here on Earth with humans since I ain't human either. I don't have a place to belong..."

"And that is a bad thing?" Predaking asked. Sunbeam nodded.

"For me it is...I know Ratchet don't mind me bein' there, but what if he does mind one day?"

"Then you can leave him be."

"It's not that easy. We live together. It ain't like I can just ignore calls and avoid him."

"Well, if he did mind you being there, you would not have to do those things. He wouldn't try to contact you because he simply wouldn't care."

"Yeah, I think I'll make it simpler and just die if he ever starts to not like me," Sunbeam responded with a laugh.

"We've arrived," Predaking announced. Sunbeam sat up and grinned.

"Sweet! Ya know what to do!" Sunbeam jumped off of Predaking's back and onto the hull of the Decepticon warship before diving out of the way as Predaking burned all of the Vehicons on the outside of the ship. He then then transformed and landed right next to Sunbeam.

"Are you impressed?" he asked with a cheeky grin.

"You wish," Sunbeam retorted with the same expression. "Now how're we gonna open this door?" Sunbeam looked around for a way to unlock the door just as Predaking used his blaster to destroy the door. "So much for bein' sneaky..."

"You wanted to get inside, didn't you?"

"Hey, I ain't complainin'," Sunbeam replied.

"You were just—" Predaking started before a group of Vehicons rushed at them through the destroyed doorway.

"Alright! Let's have some fun!" Sunbeam exclaimed before head-butting a Vehicon in the face and flinging another one into a wall.

Predaking transformed into a dragon and began burning all of the Vehicons, causing survivors to retreat.

"You coulda torched me ya know!" Sunbeam pointed out.

"It would appear my aim is slightly off, then," Predaking stated. Sunbeam mean mugged in response, looking more like a toddler than an angry adult. "Let's keep moving."


Predaking and Sunbeam moved through the ship's winding corridors without much of an issue. Anytime a Vehicon would charge or attempt to shoot them, Predaking would just kill them, despite Sunbeam's pleas of him not to.

"Don't kill 'em. They're just doin' their jobs."

"Their job is to kill us."

"Well, we are sort of breaking into their home. They just wanna be safe. Don't ya think we should offer that to 'em?"


"Harsh, man. Didn't you and your friends get a second chance? Why're they any different?"

"We do not need any second chances. Anyone who wants one is weak, and does not deserve to live."

"Whatever you say, buddy. But, expect an 'I told ya so' when ya find out yer wrong." Sunbeam giggled. Suddenly, Sunbeam's expression changed and she pushed Predaking to the ground and dove over him to protect him just as a missile was launched and detonated in their direction. "You okay?"

"I'm unharmed."

"That's good. Let me help ya up," Sunbeam offered as she slowly and shakily got to her feet and extended a hand to Predaking.

"A king does not need a peasant's help," Predaking spat in response.

"But, a great king should always welcome it," Sunbeam remarked back. Predaking huffed and allowed Sunbeam to help him up.

"I thought I left your bodies on Cybertron! What are you doing back here?!" Starscream asked Predaking.

"Shockwave was able to revive my brethren and I. A debt I will repay by removing your Spark and ending this war!" Predaking retorted, turning his arm into a canon and shooting at Starscream, who maneuvered out of the way of every shot.

"My turn!" Sunbeam exclaimed excitedly, running toward Starscream in a less than straight line. He wasn't able to get a good hit on Sunbeam, resulting in her getting close enough to kick him so hard on the back of the head that he was flung into Predaking's open arm, knocking him out.

Transformers Prime: The TesseractOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora