Thirteen: Energon Trap

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"This symbol here means that it detects how strong their spark is. If this goes dark, then the bot is dead, so make sure that doesn't happen," Ratchet began explaining.

"It kinda looks like a star..." Sunbeam pointed out.

"You're missing the point. Anyway, let's continue. This shows how much Energon a bot has. It can't get into the red zone, or they could suffer permanent system damage."

"Like humans with food...?"

"Precisely. This instrument measures the patient's body temperature. If it reaches the blue zone, they could freeze."

"Okay, dark light thing?" Sunbeam said the colors and pointed at their corresponding place.

"Hmm...yes. You're picking up on this quite well...this'll be easier than I thought."

"Awesome! I can't wait to tell Starscream!"

"Oh, see him as a friend..."

"Uh huh!" Sunbeam grinned.

"Just be sure to proceed with caution. You never know what he could be planning."

"Yes, sir!"

"Don't call me makes me feel old..." Sunbeam laughed.

"But, you are old." Ratchet huffed and turned away from Sunbeam, who laughed more and put a hand on his arm. "C'mon, don't be mad! I'm just joking!"

"Well, you should learn to respect your elders," Ratchet remarked, causing Sunbeam to laugh even more.

"I'll remember that when I'm a mother!"

"You know, you can't actually become a mother, right?"

"But why not?"

"It's just...not possible. But, you could help newer bots with becoming more mature."

"But...ain't that what bein' a mother is?" Sunbeam tilted her head slightly like a cute puppy, something Ratchet began to classify as just one of her ticks.

"I guess it is. Now, let's get back to work."


Meanwhile, Bulkhead had went with Arcee on a mission scouting for Energon.

"Just like old times, huh Arcee?" Bulkhead reminisced.

"If only it could be the old times," Arcee replied.

"Yeah...but at least we have the kids! They're awesome!"

"Things certainly have changed, huh? I mean, first we didn't want to be discovered by humans at all, but now, three human children are our closest friends..."

"Kinda ironic."

Finally, they were able to follow a signal to an untapped Energon deposit. Unfortunately, the Decepticons were waiting for them.

"Scrap," Arcee grumbled.

"What is it?" Ratchet asked over their communication line.

"The cons got here first. We could use some backup," Bulkhead suggested.

"On our way," Ultra Magnus assured the pair. "Smokescreen, Bumblebee, you come with me. Knockout, you command communications while Ratchet is preoccupied."

"Oui monsieur," Knockout replied.

"Doesn't that mean, 'yes sir?'" Sunbeam asked.


"Don't say that!" Sunbeam shouted before whispering to Knockout. "You'll make him feel old." Ratchet facepalmed.

Ultra Magnus, Smokescreen, and Bumblebee went through the groundbridge, prepared to help their comrades fight their longtime enemies. Ultra Magnus gunned down some of them, allowing Arcee to regain her footing and fight alongside him.

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