Seventeen: Visitors

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The Autobots got back to base to find that Arcee had just woken up after being fixed by Ratchet, who was practically fuming at both Arcee and Sunbeam.

"There you are! What were you thinking?! There was a reason I didn't want you going with them, and you completely disregarded it!" Ratchet scolded Sunbeam.

"Hey...Ratchet..." was all she replied before passing out. Ratchet managed to catch her before she hit the ground. He huffed in exasperation and annoyance.

"It just never ends with you, does it...?" He grumbled before placing her on their extra gurney to rest. "And Arcee, you should be more careful! In fact, all of you should be! I won't be able to keep fixing you if you run me out of supplies! It's not like there's a surplus of Autobot parts or medicine here!"

"Sorry, Ratchet," Arcee responded monotonously.

"I don't believe that for even a second," Ratchet deadpanned.

"I didn't figure you would," Arcee responded.

A few hours later, Sunbeam woke up and found that the kidnapped children hadn't been sent home yet.

"They're still here...?" She asked Ratchet, who had made his way over to make sure that she and Arcee were alright.

"We have to identify their parents' addresses and make sure they won't be kidnapped again once they leave. They'll probably be here for a few hours," he replied. Sunbeam grinned and jumped up. "What are you doing?!"

"Hey kids! Let's play!" Sunbeam offered with a hearty laugh before transforming into her large dog form to play without hurting the kids.

"Jeez...haven't you ever heard of waiting?" Ratchet grumbled. Arcee got up as well. "Don't you start too!"

After a few hours, the kids were all cleared to go home. Sunbeam went right back to annoying Ratchet to pass the time.

"C'mon, let's play a game! I'm so bored!" Sunbeam pleaded.

"Why don't you go find entertainment elsewhere?" Ratchet suggested. Sunbeam put on a pouty face.

"'Cause I wanna be with you. Besides, everyone else is busy," she admitted.

"And I'm not?"

"Sure ya are, but ya gotta take breaks sometimes. I'm here to make sure that happens. Now, c'mon! Let's find something fun to do!" Sunbeam grabbed Ratchet's hand. "Ooh, I've always wanted to have a paint balloon fight!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Calm down, it was just a suggestion..." Sunbeam deadpanned. Suddenly, she smelled something odd.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ratchet asked.

"Someone's here..." she informed him.


"I don't know."

"Well, let's go greet 'em," Wheeljack suggested. Sunbeam grinned and nodded.

"Yeah!" She agreed. "I'll race ya!" She transformed and ran off.

"Hey, that ain't fair!" Wheeljack shouted before chasing her.

Wheeljack skidded to a halt when he saw who was waiting for them. Sunbeam, however, didn't stop in time and slammed face first into Predaking's dragon form. She stood up and transformed back into her bot form.

"Whoops, sorry 'bout that Mr. Dragon sir...didn't see ya there..."

"Seriously?! He's freakin' huge!" Wheeljack yelled.

"Shut up, old man! No one asked you!"

"What'd you say you little twerp?!"

"Alright, that's it!" Sunbeam shouted, breaking into a brawl with Wheeljack as the predicons and Shockwave watched in confusion.

"Alright you two!" Ratchet shouted at them, breaking up the fight before his eyes landed on their new guests. "Predaking? Shockwave? What're you doing here?"

"You know each other?!" Sunbeam questioned.

"I was hoping to place an offer," Shockwave answered.

"And what would that be?"

"I want to end this war. While war does bring about advancements in science, Cybertron cannot be a sustainable place to live as long as this continues," Shockwave admitted.

"Whoa! You're totally a Cyclops!" Sunbeam exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "That's so cool!"

"Who is this?" Shockwave asked blandly.

"Sunbeam. She'," Ratchet replied. "And inexperienced."

"Are you callin' me stupid?!" Sunbeam yelled.

"Stop shouting," Ratchet deadpanned. "I'm trying to have a conversation."

"Well sorry for bothering you, Mr. Grumpy Pants," Sunbeam pouted.

"Anyway, if you wanted to end the war, why didn't you go to your allies?"

"Starscream won't listen to reason. I've already tried," Shockwave admitted.

"Same!" Sunbeam exclaimed. "I guess that makes us allies then! Welcome to the team, buddy!" Sunbeam grinned and threw an arm around Shockwave.

"Don't touch me," he responded.

"Sorry." She turned her attention to the predicons. "Hey! You guys wanna play?!"

"Quite the boisterous one..." Shockwave stated. Ratchet shrugged.

"She'll grow on you the longer you're here. So I suggest you don't stay too long," Ratchet joked.

"I do not plan to," Shockwave said, the joke going so far over his head that it was practically a dot in the upper atmosphere.

"Well, let's get inside. I think it's going to rain soon. Hey, Sunbeam! Don't stay out too long, okay?!"

"You got it, Mr. Grumpy Pants!" She replied.

"Will you stop it with that?!" Ratchet shouted back.

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