Phoebe:You don’t have to do that Ross and Cassius aren’t here you guys watch the parade if you want.


Monica:What is wrong with this freezer?!."Jabs her arm into the freezer".Ow!.Ow!.

Joey:God what happened?!.

Monica:Oh my God ice just got in my eye!.

Rachel:"Standing in her doorway".People are trying to sleep in here!.

Chandler:Monica got ice in her eye and it hurts.

Phoebe:Open it up let me see.

Monica:Oh you know what I can’t it really kills.

Chandler:Well maybe you should put some ice on it.

Phoebe:Oh God it looks bad.

Rachel:Honey maybe we should take you to a doctor.

Monica:No my eye doctor is Richard!.I can’t go to him when I don’t have a boyfriend.

Tabitha:"Sarcasically".He’s really picky about his patients.

Phoebe:Honey you’ve got to go.What’s his office number?.

Monica:Like I remember his office number!...Speed dial 7.

Phoebe:"In phone".Hi!.Yeah I’m calling on behalf of Monica Geller’s eye and is um is Richard Burke in today."To Monica".He’s out of town but does she want to see the on call doctor?.


Phoebe:Yes!.She’s very excited about that.


   Phoebe is adding butter to something and Ross is watching.

Phoebe:This is so cool til Monica gets back it’s like I’m head chef and I get to make all the decisions.

   Phoebe looks at the remaining butter and then decides to add it to the dish.

Ross:Hey-hey I thought she told you to follow the recipe exactly!.

Phoebe:Okay get out of my kitchen!.

Chandler:"Entering".All right!.Okay!.I think I am making some progress with Cassius when I went into the apartment he went straight into his bedroom but he only slammed the door once!...I mean yeah he gave me the finger while doing it.

Phoebe:All right I-I gotta call my mom and ask her a left handed cooking question.

Tabitha:And Me and Joey have something to tend to.

Joey:We d-

I hit him in the stomach.

Joey:Oh yeah.

   Me and Joey leave to our apartment.And later at Monica and Rachel's It’s closer to dinner and Monica has just told us that Richards son Tim is coming to dinner.

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